Kingdom Death Monster 1.5

  • Direkt mit anmalen, ebenso den Butcher ^^ Auf die Antilope trifft man schon relativ früh nach ein paar Sessions

    Pending KS: Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 2 + Twelve Sins of Herakles, Cthulhu Death May Die: Fear of the Unknown, Dawn of Madness, Dragon Eclipse, KDM CoD, Keep the Heroes Out: Boss Battles, KELP, Kingdoms Forlorn, Limbo 1.5, Lobotomy 2: Manhunt Wave 2, Nemesis: Retaliation, Primal, Return to Planet Apocalypse, Secrets of the Lost Tomb, TES: Betrayal of the Second Era

    Top 10 Games:

  • Direkt mit anmalen, ebenso den Butcher ^^ Auf die Antilope trifft man schon relativ früh nach ein paar Sessions

    Wenn man denn will. Ich traue mich weiterhin nicht und Farne erst den Löwen für ein vollständiges Set. 🤭

    Ach, so schlimm ist die Antilope nicht :) Einfach ruff da :D

    Pending KS: Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 2 + Twelve Sins of Herakles, Cthulhu Death May Die: Fear of the Unknown, Dawn of Madness, Dragon Eclipse, KDM CoD, Keep the Heroes Out: Boss Battles, KELP, Kingdoms Forlorn, Limbo 1.5, Lobotomy 2: Manhunt Wave 2, Nemesis: Retaliation, Primal, Return to Planet Apocalypse, Secrets of the Lost Tomb, TES: Betrayal of the Second Era

    Top 10 Games:

  • Direkt mit anmalen, ebenso den Butcher ^^ Auf die Antilope trifft man schon relativ früh nach ein paar Sessions

    Wenn man denn will. Ich traue mich weiterhin nicht und Farne erst den Löwen für ein vollständiges Set. 🤭

    Trau dich. Gibt viel mehr loot! ^^

    Incoming (18 Spiele):
    Street Masters, Stormsunder, USS Freedom, Chronicles of Drunagor, Green Hell, Tidal Blades 2, Batman Gotham City Chronicles, Robomon, Nanolyth, Nova Aetas: Renaissance, Fate Forge, Teburu, Elder Scrolls, 20 Strong, Stonesaga, The Last Spell, Dragon Eclipse

  • Jajaaa ich werd sie mir bald vornehmen. Ich m9chte aber zuerst mal den Löwen noch ein wenig auskosten. 👌🤪

    Er dich auch. ;)

    Incoming (18 Spiele):
    Street Masters, Stormsunder, USS Freedom, Chronicles of Drunagor, Green Hell, Tidal Blades 2, Batman Gotham City Chronicles, Robomon, Nanolyth, Nova Aetas: Renaissance, Fate Forge, Teburu, Elder Scrolls, 20 Strong, Stonesaga, The Last Spell, Dragon Eclipse

  • Jajaaa ich werd sie mir bald vornehmen. Ich m9chte aber zuerst mal den Löwen noch ein wenig auskosten. 👌🤪

    Er dich auch. ;)

    Du duuu... Ich sags dir... :evil:

    Ich hab dich eben fertig gemalt, Basti!

  • Er dich auch. ;)

    Du duuu... Ich sags dir... :evil:

    Ich hab dich eben fertig gemalt, Basti!

    Macht gut was her! :thumbsup::)

    Incoming (18 Spiele):
    Street Masters, Stormsunder, USS Freedom, Chronicles of Drunagor, Green Hell, Tidal Blades 2, Batman Gotham City Chronicles, Robomon, Nanolyth, Nova Aetas: Renaissance, Fate Forge, Teburu, Elder Scrolls, 20 Strong, Stonesaga, The Last Spell, Dragon Eclipse

  • Du duuu... Ich sags dir... :evil:

    Ich hab dich eben fertig gemalt, Basti!

    Hmmmm, welche Version von KD:M hast du? - Bei mir sieht es ein "wenig" anders aus! 8o oder ist das ein Crossover zu Middara?? :saint:

    KDM coloured Mode😆

    - In Progress -

    Lieblingsorte für den nächsten Urlaub:

    Arkham, Innsmouth, Newberryport und Dunwich

    Lieblingsessen: Calamares fritti (eigentlich Lasagne)

    Nichts ist tot, was ewig stinkt. Bis Seife den Geruch bezwingt.

  • Du duuu... Ich sags dir... :evil:

    Ich hab dich eben fertig gemalt, Basti!

    Hmmmm, welche Version von KD:M hast du? - Bei mir sieht es ein "wenig" anders aus! 8o oder ist das ein Crossover zu Middara?? :saint:

    Das war damals der prepainted allin, gabs für n Fuffi oben drauf dazu. Heisst aber neu auch Kingdom Hearts 'Abenteuer mit dem Augenkrebs'

  • AP war "fleissig" in den KD:M KS 1.5 Comments und hat ein "kleines" Q&A gemacht (inklusive diverser Daten, darunter auch Infos zum nächsten Update).

    Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 by Kingdom Death — Kickstarter

    Poots answering comments on KS : KingdomDeath

    Transcript of Q&A so far....

    Backer Question:

    Honestly, my questions are... what new game-content will be in the next sale? Do you feel like the Gambler Chest should be ready to head to the printers in the next month? Do you follow the 80/20 theory that 80% of the work is quick and 20% to really make it great takes a lot of effort, and if so are you aiming to get the full 20%, or just an extra 15-18%?


    The next sale will contain the Hard Plastic pinups! Which does have some "fun" if not quite cannon game content in some of the collections. It will not have any new game content beyond that. I want with all my being for the Gamblers Chest to head to the printers next month, and I plan on continuing to push as if that is the case. I have not heard this 80/20 theory before. However I an assure you that, my own personal quality threshold is and must be met. This project needs to be able to stand the test of time and we continuously pushed ourselves on the gameplay, artwork and miniatures that make up the experience as a whole. I can't say it will be "perfect" but I can say that I am very proud of the project.

    2) Backer Question:

    First thing, thanks for taking your time to hang around and answer some questions. Only one thing i would really like to hear about at this stage. Do you still expect GC development to finish in august?


    By development, I will assume you mean "ready to go to print" If that is the case, then no, at this time I do not expect the GCE to be ready for print by August. I am pushing, working a full work day, then returning to work in the evening for a 14 hour day. Everything is in place and now it's finally boiling down to knocking out tasks. I will continue to work with the intent of being ready for print in August. I foresee artwork, copy editing and a few tricky page layouts in the new rulebook taking more time to finalize.

    3) Backer Question:

    What are the dimensions of the new knowledge cards? Do you already know if the new God cards will have the same dimensions? Any other new card sizes? I'm trying to order sleeves in advance.


    I don't have the dimensions off hand but I'll get them together in the update. Also, from a biz perspective its kinda strange, as by releasing the dimensions I then kinda knee cap our own ability to create card sleeves before other companies jump on that. Ah being the project lead is weird sometimes!

    4) Backer Question:

    Is it likely that the increased shipping cost will affect our expences?


    Quater 4 shipping this year is going to be insane beyond the pale of what we have seen so far. There are still issues, backlogs and nightmare stories that started Q4 of 2020! I do not know how it will all play out yet. But I do intended to make the GCE shipping as smooth and pleasant experience as possible for everyone. I got no issue eating a bunch of shipping related costs for it. Tho, that is a curtesy I will not be able to extend to the rest of the campaign!

    5) Backer Question:

    will there be a Black Friday sale and new items on the market have seen anything on last few holidays.


    Myself and the team have been focusing on kickstarter promises, only working on new content during rare downtime or in between moments. We have a summer sale that is nearly ready to launch and will most likely resume regular sales after the GCE does not require absolute attention.

    6) Backer Question:

    Have you decided if you are including adam and anna promos from first ks in the satan pledges as you posted?


    I have not. Those models were specifically meant to be kickstarter exclusives for the former campaign. It feels odd to me to just... break that intent. I need to look more into it, see if they are actually regarded as collectors items before I can commit them to hard plastic manufacturing.

    7) Backer Question:

    Any chance we may get to see the GC box design / artwork?


    Oh! I can share the final box that contains the miniatures. It is perhaps not as interesting as the full box with everything in it. I'll add that to the update.

    8) Backer Question:

    Poots, please delegate more responsibilities. Some of your backers have literally died waiting for you to deliver. You don’t need to be in control of all things. It sucks for you, and it sucks for us.


    After the Gambler's Chest Expansion is safely delivered, I would be more then happy to write up a long post mortem. The unique experiences and challenges myself and the team have faced during its long development have been quite varied and vast! To your point, delegation is a wonderful wonderful thing, if you have the right individual for the task. When you don't, it can often generate a lot more work and hassle.

    9) Backer Question:

    Have you had the chance to look at the community questions that were sent to you a while back?


    I usually take this questions and send it to the team. I'll have to ask them about it. If I recall a lot of the questions fell under the category of, things that future content will answer. But feel free to send me an updated version!

    10) Backer Question:

    Can we get some CoD info? It’s supposed to be wave 3 as well, but information has been sadly lacking for a while. Is there still going to be a section of guidelines on how to build a custom campaign? How much do existing expansions change?


    COD will follow the Gambler's Chest as a separate shipping wave. Closing out wave 3. Yes there will be! Existing expansions are all getting a little bit of a lift, some things more than others. The Lonely Tree for example, has new variants that are based on core monster of your campaign.

    11) Backer Question:

    Will the build guide be updated with Gambler's Chest content when it ships?


    Yep! We have been making build guides as we create the simulated versions of miniatures. There may be a few stragglers, but it will be mostly if not fully complete by the time the GCE reaches you.

    12) Backer Question:

    Can we get an update on the status of the Legendary Card Pack(tm) It is seeming like 1.6 will contain some major changes to the game, any other sneak peaks we can get at what will be inside it?



    The card pack is nearly finished being printed. I think we are gonna take on the extra cost have it air-freighted so that we can get it out to everyone as quickly as possible. Since we are so close, I'd rather not sneak or spoil anything!

    13) Backer Question:

    Poots what size will the card pack box be? Gigalion size?


    About the size of a settlement location.

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Belshannar () aus folgendem Grund: Formatierung.

  • Poots:


    Ahahaha man kann es förmlich fühlen, wie ihn das wurmen muss :lachwein:

  • Einmal mit Profis arbeiten :P

    Zitat von Poots

    The card pack is nearly finished being printed. I think we are gonna take on the extra cost have it air-freighted so that we can get it out to everyone as quickly as possible. Since we are so close, I'd rather not sneak or spoil anything!

    Cooler Move. Dann sollte zumindest das Card Pack ja nicht mehr lang auf sich warten lassen :)

    Leider wieder keine Infos zu Core/old Expansion Reprints und zu dem fertigen Kram aus dem KS, der einfach nur mal nen Druckauftrag bekommen müsste (extra Dice, alte White Boxes, T-Shirts, extra Rule-Books, ...).

  • Das Q&A hat viele (interessante) Informationen

    - Der nächste Sale aka "Summersale" steht in den Startlöchern (nach der Information zuvor der „letzte“ Sale bis die GCE fertig ist.

    - Im Summersale werden die Hard Plastic Pinups zu erwerben sein (welche bisher nur für KS Backer verfügbar waren).

    - Kartengröße der neuen Karten wie Godsize Cards (Gods Hand in der GCE oder Lion God in der CoD), Knowledge Cards und Encounter AI Cards (Bone Eater) werden endlich öffentlich gemacht und Sleeves damit geplant/organisiert werden (große Frage ist natürlich, wie "Special" werden die Größen sein, bereits existierende oder komplett neue „Sondergrößen“. Dem Kommentar von AP kann man auch entnehmen das dafür Sleeves im KD:M Shop geplant sind (wenn auch unklar in welcher Auflage, Kosten, zeitlichen Verfügbarkeit ect).

    - Eventuell kommt zumindest für die GCE keine (deutlich) höheren Shippingkosten auf die Backer zu.

    Weiterhin unklar bleibt ob Adam&Anna Explorers Promos (KSE1) in den Satan´s Pledges enthalten sein wird, dazu gab es lange kein Wort, jetzt zumindest das die Finale Entscheidung noch nicht ganz getroffen wurde.

    - Das Design der GCE BOX wird im Update gezeigt (wobei es nach der letzten Preview einfach exakt nach Core Box aussah, wo die Watcher Crest durch Gambler´s Crest ausgetauscht wurde).

    - Nach der Auslieferung der GCE schreibt AP eventuell einen umfassenden Beitrag über all die Hürden, Schwierigkeiten, Zwischenereignisse, Entwicklungsprozesse ect.

    - Es wurde an die Community Questions (wichtig für ein Updated FAQ) erinnert.

    CoD/Lonley Tree Varianten/Brands sind an Core Monster abgeleitete also z.B Watcher, Gambler, Beetle Baron, Ancient Butcher, Dragon King, Sunstalker, äußerst interessant auch von der Ableitung der Lore (als auch Assozierten Traits).

    - Official Build Guide wird nach Auslieferung der GCE weiter Updated

    - LCP 1.6 ist "fast" fertig und eventuelle schnellere Auslieferung durch Aircraft, größe ist die einer Settlementlocation Card und kommt somit nahe meiner Assoziation der White Box Size der White Speaker Swordhunter

    - Eventuell ein paar neue Desktop-Backgrounds der (neuen) Arts

    - Kommendes Update Ende July mit den letzten fertigen Armorkits...

    Andere Übersicht auf BGG....

    Poots answered a lot of questions, today! (Poots intends to be ready for print IN, DURING, August but foresees possible delays)

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

  • SUMMER SALE! Schnell, schnell. Ein paar Expansions gibt es auch!

    Shop – Kingdom Death

    KDU#64 - Summer Sings

    With an icy energy drink in hand and our eyes on the screen and page we have locked into full development mode with focus on completing the Gambler's Chest. We will be all hands on deck to finish the Gambler's Chest with the intention of sending it off to print in October 2021.

    This will be Kingdom Death's last sale until development on the Gambler's Chest Expansion is finished. The store will still stay open and customer support will be there for you in all capacities, however no new items will be posted for sale.

    For this special summer sendoff all 5 Pinup Collections make their way to the store, with all but Series 1 being first timers! Sharing the new spotlight we have the alluring Blushing Owl, the regal Lost Princess, the high hitting Dragon Slayer, and the spry Lagomorph Survivors. And on top of allll of that, we searched far and wide throughout our warehouses and recovered a slew of current expansions!

    The Gambler's Chest

    It is happening! We are getting closer and closer to completion with each passing day. As of this morning the small artwork for embellishing Atnas' intro page came in and I am getting a lot of positive reports from the remote playtest team (thank you sim we created so we could work effectively again)!

    The Crimson Crocodile has become an office favorite and the challenges of the new campaign and philosophy system are forcing players to re-think and re-approach their campaign strategies. Currently I am going thru the rulebook, adjusting, embellishing, and adding small artwork to the slew of story events it comes packed with. Anyway, while we work, please focus on a summer of assembling and painting 5 collections worth of KD pinups!

    The State of Shipping

    Currently all orders are shipping from the United States DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid). This means all customers are responsible for any and all taxes/fees/charges they may encounter when receiving their shipment. Please consult your country's laws in regards to this.

    We are working with 3 different companies in hopes to reestablish hubs in the UK & EU so we can provide our customers in those areas DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) in the future. Between COVID, local bureaucracies, and the unprecedented chaos that global logistics is at the moment, this is taking longer than anticipated.

    Pinups of Death

    Pinups of Death Series 1 was our first foray into hard plastic and was sold directly through our store. We expanded the range and introduced 13 more unique hard plastic pinups during our first Kickstarter for Monster. From there we expanded the pinup collections with 3 more and bundled them with extra optional content for use with Monster. For those of you who were part of the Kickstarter for Monster 1.5 (thank you!), these are the same Pinup Collections that were offered there.

    Current Expansions

    Delving deep into the dark and mysterious warehouse where KD products reside, a slew of current expansions were found! Now available, these are definitively the last batch we will have before we reprint them. Due to their limited quantities, we are enforcing a limit per a customer/order, thanks for your understanding.

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Belshannar () aus folgendem Grund: Infos ergänzt.

  • Belshannar welche lohnen? Gorm, Dung Beetle, Flower Knight, Dragon King, Slenderman?

    Da du schnell sein musst/solltest, erlaube ich mir einzuspringen und Belshannar zu zitieren:

    Old/Current Expansions ist dies die allgemein bekannte TopWahl der Community, von dutzenden Spielern (Veteranen) auf Reddit, Discord und BGG approved.


    Dragon King Expansion (150$)

    Dung Beetle Knight Expansion(60$)

    Gorm Expansion (75$)

    Sunstalker Expansion (100$)

    Top6 (wie 4+)

    Manhunter Expansion (60-70$)

    Slenderman Expansion (60$)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MiMeu ()

  • Belshannar welche lohnen? Gorm, Dung Beetle, Flower Knight, Dragon King, Slenderman?

    Grob diese Reihenfolge (Absteigend)wobei das Thema sehr komplex und Facettenreich ist und im Spektrum streibar.

    Grundsätzlich gilt Quarry vor Nemesis (bei Nemesis ist jedoch Slenderman wiederum in einer anderen Kategorie).

    Wie MiMeu schon geschrieben hat die mit Abstand 6 besten sind die ersten 6 der Liste, wovon Gorm&Dragon King oder Sunstalker quasi "Must have ist". Am idealsten sind die ersten 4+Slenderman zu haben. Aber sehr komplexes Thema über das hier schon oft geschrieben wurde.

    Diese 4/6 aka Fababulous Four/Sininster Six bringen das meiste und beste an Game Content was KD:M aktuell zu bieten hat mit, die anderen 6 deutlich weniger wobei hier Spidicules noch das meiste hat (jedoch deutlich weniger zum Sunstalker für den selben Preis).

    Gorm Expansion

    Dung Beetle Knight Expansion

    Dragon King Expansion

    Sunstalker expansion

    Manhunter Expansion

    Slenderman Expansion

    Spidicules Expansion

    Lion God Expansion

    Lonely Tree Expansion

    Flower Knight Expansion

    Lion Knight Expansion

    Green Knight Expansion

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Belshannar () aus folgendem Grund: Erweitert und Typo.

  • UK sind schon alle interessanten Erweiterungen aus. Lediglich aus den USA noch erhältlich. Lässt ihr von dort importieren oder hat jemand noch ein UK-Warenlager bekommen?

    Im UK Store war so gut wie nichts vorrätig. Hatte das Update ca. 5 Minuten vor Meldung hier offen gehabt und da war schon alles weg. US wickelt die Sendung auch - aus eigener Erfahrung - schneller ab als die Knallschoten in England ;)

  • So, alles mal gekauft :) Gibts die Strafzölle auf Spiele aus den USA noch?

    Update: Mist, Gorm war nicht dabei, der war schon weg... Naja, kommt auch wieder...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von mavman ()

  • Ich hab den Gorm leider auch wieder verpasst...

    Will den einer abgeben? XD

    Hab jetzt

    Manhunter Expansion

    1x Lonely Tree Expansion

    1x Lion Knight Expansion

    1x Dung Beetle Expansion

    1x Dragon King Expansion

    1x Sunstalker Expansion
