[2021] Vagrantsong - by Wyrd Games

  • Vagrantsong

    Waldo's Weekly - Announcing Vagrantsong — Wyrd Games

    Erinnert in vielen Aspekten an Townsfolk Tussle, wirkt etwas komplexer, liefert jedoch eine längere Kampagne aus über 20+ Szenarios.

    You’re just one from a handful of trainhoppers trying to find shelter from the storm. You don’t recognize any familiar faces, and come to think of it, you don’t even remember seeing them hop on the train with you. But every one of them swears up and down that they just got here. And based on your own experience, you can’t help but believe them. The strange thing is that everyone seems to be from a different part of town - or towns - places you’ve never even heard of.

    After a few handshakes and how-do-you-dos, you all try to settle in the best you can. But without a haybale or old cushion to call your own, neither the train nor the situation bring you much comfort. The only thing you all have in common, it seems, is the welcoming hand that helped each of you aboard. White glove, loose skin... couldn’t forget it if you tried…

    You can download this wallpaper here!

    Hop aboard the Silver Ferryman and welcome to…

    Vagrantsong is a 2-4 player campaign game that takes place on a haunted train, with heavy inspiration taken from American folklore, folk songs, and ghost stories. As a fully cooperative boss-battler, you and your new friends will take on the roles of Vagrants who are trying to escape this ghostly train. You will have to work together to face your fears, reveal the mystery behind the Silver Ferryman, and devise a plan on how to stop it.

    Haints, the lost spirits aboard the Silver Ferryman, will do everything in their power to ensure that Vagrants stay just as trapped in this place as they are… It’s up to the players to figure out how to save these lingering souls while also trying to free themselves before it’s too late.

    Throughout Vagrantsong’s 20+ Scenarios, you’ll be facing off against many Haints, each with their own unique mechanics, goals, and challenges. Every Scenario is completely different – all killer and no filler!

    Haints are fully automated; there’s no need for a game master or another player to take up the role. Performing a Haint’s Action is as simple as drawing a Token from the Bindle bag.

    Don’t worry about taking too much time to play. Setting up Vagrantsong is quick and easy. Two minutes of setup can turn into 45 to 90 minutes of play, depending on the player count and Scenario.

    As you progress along the tracks of Vagrantsong’s story, the many mysteries of the train will unfold before you, whether through a song in the distance or the choices you make along the way. Each Scenario will have a series of Event Tokens to uncover. They can appear at multiple points during the game, offering aid to Vagrants while simultaneously revealing more of the game’s story. But be careful; oftentimes an Event Token will initiate something dastardly and unexpected!

    Don’t forget that everyone has a story, even the Haints that are trying to keep you here. During each Scenario, you will be presented with Rituals that may be completed to remind the Haints of their lost Humanity, granting you and your friends potential boons for the future.

    Choices made throughout the campaign will have you trigger Moments, which are special (and sometimes secret) elements to the story, and may even provide a deeper understanding of the world around you. But be careful! Some choices will stick with you for the rest of your ride.

    Now it’s time to let the Vagrants shine.

    With 6 Vagrants to choose from, each with their own unique Passives and Skills (as well as the ability to combine over 80 Skill cards, 30 Junk cards, and tons of Actions), the opportunities to customize your playstyle are endless.

    During your turn, you will place your Coins onto Actions you want to perform. With only 3 Coins to place, you’ll need to plan ahead and strategize with your teammates, as you won’t be able to place Coins on the same Skills you did on your last turn. But don’t worry; Vagrants can always move, investigate the train, patch themselves up, rummage for stuff, or just give the Haint a good old-fashioned walloping!

    Let’s take a look at one of the six Vagrants now.

    The Cursebearer has been running for a very long time. Armed with her guile and trusty knife, she hopes to defeat the creature of darkness that pursues her… she just needs to figure out how.

    She is an aggressive, Haint-focused Vagrant who is always on the move. With her powerful strikes and a potent Passive Effect, the Cursebearer is willing to remind any Haint of their lost Humanity so long as they don’t get in her way.

    That’s just the basics of Vagrantsong. There’s a lot more ground to cover, and in the coming weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into the unknown in upcoming Waldo’s Weeklies, so make sure to stay tuned! We are aiming for a pre-release of Vagrantsong at Gen Con, with its official release coming early fall.
    Before we go, let’s take a sneak peek at some of the goodies inside:

    Wyrd Games Announces New Board Game, Vagrantsong – OnTableTop – Home of Beasts of War

    Wyrd Games has announced their new board game that will be popping up later this year. Vagrantsong is a board game heavily inspired by American folklore and ghost stories and looks a treat when it comes to its design.

    Vagrantsong // Wyrd Games

    Vagrantsong is a two-to-four player game that has you playing vagrants in North America who have found themselves hopping on board a ghost train. The game is fully cooperative and has you facing down "bosses" in hopes of escaping the ghost train.

    You'll also be working to try and solve the mystery of the Silver Ferryman and tackle the Haints which are seeking to keep you aboard the train.

    Vagrantsong Gameplay // Wyrd Games

    Vagrantsong is played over a series of twenty-plus scenarios where you'll take on these different Haints and unlock more of the story as you go. I absolutely love the art style for this game which looks like it has been drawn from very, very classic Disney films and animations of the 1900s.

    As you play through the campaign you'll face Events that will test your skills and "Moments" which will give you a deeper understanding of the mystery of the train. Some of these Moments will stick with you forever and carry through into additional playthroughs.

    There are going to be six Vagrants for you to choose from, each with their own unique set of skills that they bring to the table. I am very eager to learn more about this game because it seems like it could be absolutely fascinating. Again, I love the art style, the variety of Vagrants you have to choose from and the premise behind the game.

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Belshannar (3. Juni 2021 um 20:55) aus folgendem Grund: Supergau der Korrektur....

  • Sieht echt interessant aus. Wenn Wyrd Games beim Design, es nicht zu einfach macht, wäre das echt etwas, was ich backen würde.


    Aktuell: AT:O (2. Wave), Return to PA, USS Freedom, CoD: Apocalypse, Ancient Blood, Nanolith, Tidal Blades 2

    Zum Abschreiben: HEL, Darkest Dungeon (DE), Green Hell, Legend Academy

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Scaar (16. Juni 2021 um 18:28)

  • Neue Infos zu Vagrantsong

    Nachdem in ersten Vagrantsong Infos über Vagrant: Cursebreaker berichtet wurde, folgen nun Vagrant: Revivalist und Vargant: Runaway.

    Vagrantsong — News — Wyrd Games

    Auch gibt es eine aktualisierte umfassende Seite mit diversen (erweiterten) infos und Artworks zu Vagrantsong.

    Vagrantsong — Wyrd Games

    Herrjeh und ich war froh, dass es aktuell etwas ruhiger bei neuen Kickstartern ist. Das muss ich beobachten!

    Sieht echt interessant aus. Wenn Wyrd Games beim Design, es nicht zu einfach macht, wäre das echt etwas, was ich backen würde.

    Die bisherigen Infos mit GenCon bzw. Fall Release lassen (eher) auf einen direkten Retail-Release schließen, von Crowdfunding wird nichts erwähnt

    (Der KS zu The Otherside, war auch etwas "unglücklich" verlaufen über die Zeit).

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

  • Vagrantsong: A Surprising Paranormal Adventure (First impressions review)

    VagrantSong Board Game Review - Legends of Nerdvana

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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    Ende nächster Woche kommt eine umfassende wie unterhaltsame Review von Fen Batton, welche Patreons bereits als Preview lesen durften und mich im bestärkt haben das VagrantSong ein richtig cooles Spiel wird.

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

  • VagrantSong by Wyrd Games: Review (Fen Batton)


    Ausführliche Review mit Beispielbildern, geht auf unterschiedliche Punkte wie Optik, Gamedesign, Boss Battler, Spielablauf, Regeln, Komponente etc. ein.

    The Summary

    A new gold standard has been raised for the Complex AI Boss Battlers; and it has been done without being heavily derivative of the previous entities mechanics. VagrantSong takes a thematic jumble of concepts then blends them with some really innovative, enticing boss mechanics and ends up with something that any board gamer can engage with. This is the game which you should be comparing all new boss battling games to; because the question always should be – can you do what you're doing, but for the price tag that VagrantSong offers?

    This is not just the ideal Boss Battling game for the first time player, but it's also an entertaining and challenging romp for experienced players. While everyone can, with patience, reach the final boss – success depends on your actions and achievements along the way. Just because it's hard to lose completely in VagrantSong doesn't mean it's easy to win.

    The use of the Bindle in particular is a superb choice for AI; this standardised set of tokens not only breathes life into a huge amount of different bosses; but it also allows for players to directly engage with the behaviour that the bosses have and control/influence the outcomes in meaningful ways – either directly through the use of items like Salt or Candles or indirectly through rummaging and storing tokens that trigger scary items (at the risk of making Cycling happen more often).

    I also found that as long as you are fine with the subject matter dealing with cartoon ghosts and a little ghostly gore (decapitation, holes showing rib cages) plus the suggestion of making deals with devils them then this game is fantastic to play with younger gamers. It is especially suited for teens; as it's not too complicated to get to grips with and is incredibly forgiving towards players getting defeated (both individual and the group). This is not to say that the game is easy to win the campaign for; but you are almost always going to get to progress a decent amount and have a good time with them. Just as a parent; make sure you consider if the game's themes are appropriate for your children or not.

    Considering the genre and the sheer amount of content, both physical and mechanical;VagrantSong is a fantastic value proposition for a player, but it is worth noting that this game probably only has at max two or three full campaign plays in it before you end up having seen everything it has to offer. That is still around 60 hours of play, and that's very good value – but if you only intend to play the campaign once, be aware that this is all the game offers.

    There are no procedurally generated dungeon crawls like Descent or Middara, nor are or semi-randomised boss ordering experiences like Townsfolk Tussle or Wild Assent, or even wildly branching paths such as in Oathsworn's story. This is a curated experience, and while it's a thoroughly enjoyable romp – you may not care to repeat it once you're done.

    Without a single hesitation, I invite you to enjoy this wild train ride filled with spooks, spectres and phantoms. All aboard!

    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

  • Zee Garcia vom Dice Tower hat es sich angeschaut und eine kleine Review dazu gedreht:

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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    Er mag das Thema, die grafische Gestaltung, die einzelnen Szenarien in der Kampagne findet er interessant und die Mischung aus Strategie und Taktik gefällt ihm gut. Negativ kam das Regelheft weg und fehlende Spielerhilfen. Insgesamt hat er dem Spiel eine 8,5 gegeben.

    Mich erinnert das Spiel zumindest grafisch stark an Townsfolk Tussle, welches mich spielmechanisch in meinen Testpartien allerdings nicht überzeugen konnte. Vagrantsong könnte meiner Frau ganz gut gefallen. Das wird weiter beobachtet.

  • Ich finde das Malifaux-Universum und auch den visuellen Stil von Wyrd eigentlich sehr cool und liebäugele regelmässig wieder mit einem Malifaux-Einstieg (lass es dann aber nach einem Blick auf den Tabletop-Schrank wohlweisslich sein). Entsprechend war die Ankündigung von Vagrantsong dann super interessant.


    Mich lässt das Spiel, trotz alles positiver Stimmen, leider völlig kalt. Es holt mich einfach nicht ab. Ein Blick auf dieses gähnend langweilige Schachbrettmuster des Spielbretts und mir vergeht jedwede Lust, es auch nur auszuprobieren. Taktisch mag es ja sein, aber für mich ist Schwierigkeit alleine kein Motivationsgrund. Ich werde es wohl weiter beobachten, aber nach momentanem Stand der Dinge bezweifle ich, dass es den Weg zu mir findet.

    Wenn dir egal ist, wo du bist, kannst du dich auch nicht verlaufen.

  • Mich lässt das Spiel, trotz alles positiver Stimmen, leider völlig kalt. Es holt mich einfach nicht ab. Ein Blick auf dieses gähnend langweilige Schachbrettmuster des Spielbretts und mir vergeht jedwede Lust, es auch nur auszuprobieren. Taktisch mag es ja sein, aber für mich ist Schwierigkeit alleine kein Motivationsgrund. Ich werde es wohl weiter beobachten, aber nach momentanem Stand der Dinge bezweifle ich, dass es den Weg zu mir findet.

    Mein Keller ist schon voll mit Malifaux-Zeug, eines der genialsten Systeme, die ich in 30 Jahren TT je gespielt habe, aber ganz definitiv +1.
    Vagrantsong würde ich auch gerne mögen, da triggert bei mir aber nichts.

  • Wie stehen denn die Chancen auf eine deutsche Lokalisierung? Hat man dazu schon mal irgendwas gehört?

    Da es sich bei Wyrd um keinen klassischen Brettspielverlag handelt, sondern die eher aus dem Tapletop kommen, ist die Frage, ob die überhaupt interesse an einer Lokalisierung haben. Ich hoffe ebenfalls, dass sich ein deutscher Partner für eine deutsche Version findet, habe aber auch erhebliche Zweifel.

  • Hm gäbe es doch einen mutigen Verlag der auch mal Wagnisse wie z.B. Aeons End eingeht ... ( FrostedGames ) und da es ja mit TFT nicht geklappt hat...

  • Hm gäbe es doch einen mutigen Verlag der auch mal Wagnisse wie z.B. Aeons End eingeht ... ( FrostedGames ) und da es ja mit TFT nicht geklappt hat...

    Dieser mutige Verlag ist jedoch momentan extrem ausgelastet, weswegen wir eher weniger auf neue Titel schauen. Wir sind da schon bei 2023 im Programm.

  • Verschoben auf März+ 2022


    Guts to the apostles

    "You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

  • Ach naja, gibt genug anderes zu spielen. :)

    Den Print run wird man dann ja vermutlich auch schlecht bekommen .

    Ich hatte ja damals gehofft, dass das wirklich still und leise herauskommt und ein Geheimtipp wird (hatte das auch auf der Gencon bei den Neureleases gesehen)

    Aber leider ist es einfach zu gut, und zu gut verfügbar für die Amis ^^ hab also sowieso damit abgeschlossen, das allzu schnell zu kriegen.

  • Hat denn mittlerweile jemand das Spiel genauer betrachtet bzw. antesten können?

    Ich habe von Wyrdgames gerade einen Bestelllink zum Preorder bekommen, weiß nun aber nicht, ob ich es mir für 75$ + Vat + Zoll aus den USA bestellen soll.

    Fantasywelt biete es ja für 55€ an, allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob sie überhaupt aus diesem Printrun beliefert werden.

  • Hat denn mittlerweile jemand das Spiel genauer betrachtet bzw. antesten können?

    Ich habe von Wyrdgames gerade einen Bestelllink zum Preorder bekommen, weiß nun aber nicht, ob ich es mir für 75$ + Vat + Zoll aus den USA bestellen soll.

    Fantasywelt biete es ja für 55€ an, allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob sie überhaupt aus diesem Printrun beliefert werden.

    Dafür würde ich es mir nicht kaufen. Da ist schon nicht unendlich viel Zeug drin in dem Spiel. Die rund 60€ finde ich angemessen. Ansonsten doch einfach auf den nächsten Printrun warten, scheint ja gut genug gelaufen zu sein :)