Einträge von „Sankt Peter“

  • BGG-Link: Antiquity | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

    Antiquity was first published in 2004 and reprinted in 2005, 2011, 2012 and 2017. Here's the original introduction:

    "These fields no longer yield grain the way they used to," complains the farmer. "We should settle new lands before our food runs out. Why don't we start farming olives, like our neighbours?". The cart-driver nods: "Ever since them city folks started worshipping San Giorgio I have to travel further and further to new building sites. I'm on my way now to the new inn they built. I'll change horses there and deliver this load" he gestures towards the pile of wood in the cart with his head "to the sea beyond. Gonna start some fisheries there. It is said we'll conquer those olive-farmers before long. But their land is even more polluted than ours." The farmer nods his head in reply. As the cart starts moving again, he returns to the field to harvest the last bushels of grain, growing between the stumps of what used to be a lush forest - three turns ago.

    Antiquity is a strategy game for 2-4 players. It is set in an environment loosely modeled on Italy in the late Middle Ages. Players choose their own victory condition: they can focus on population growth, trade, conquest, or city building by choosing their patron saint. Each strategy requires a completely different style of play. Or you can choose to adore Santa Maria, the most powerful saint of all - but you'll be expected to build a civilization twice as impressive as any other player. While your economy is constantly improving, with more and more advanced cities bringing new options each turn, the land around your cities is slowly being depleted, forcing you to travel further and further to gather your raw materials - until finally, there is no more land left to farm. Let's hope one of you has won the game before that time!

  • Glen More II: Chronicles is a sequel to Glen More, expanding the gameplay substantially compared to the original game! In Glen More II: Chronicles, each player represents the leader of a Scottish clan from the early medieval ages until the 19th century, a leader looking to expand their territory and wealth. The success of your clan depends on your ability to make the right decision at the right time, be it by creating a new pasture for your livestock, growing barley for whisky production, selling your goods on the various markets, or gaining control of special landmarks such as lochs and castles. Improvements over the original Glen More include bigger tiles, better materials, new artwork, the ability for each player to control the end of the game, and balancing adjustments to the tiles for a better suspense curve. The game is designed to consist of one-third known systems, one-third new mechanisms, and one-third improvements to Glen More. The "Chronicles" in the title — a set of eight expansions to the base game — are a major part of these new mechanisms. Each Chronicle adds a new gameplay element to the base game. The "Highland Boat Race" Chronicle, for example, tells the story of a boat race in which the winner needs to be the first to reach their home castle after navigating their boat along the river through all the other players' territories. The "Hammer of the Scots" Chronicle adds a neutral "Englishman" playing piece to the time track that players struggle to control to get an additional turn — if they can afford him, that is, as he is paid using the market mechanism. All Chronicles can be freely combined, although designer Matthias Cramer suggests that players use only one or two unless they want a "monster game". Another major change to the game is the ability to invest in famous Scottish people of the time, who are represented through a new "person" tile type. Persons not only have their own scoring, they also trigger one-time or ongoing effects on the tactical clan board. This adds a new layer of decision making, especially since the ongoing effects allow players to focus on a personal strategy of winning through the use of the clan board.

    BGG: Glen More II: Chronicles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • BLACK ANGEL Durch verantwortungsloses Handeln hat die Menschheit die Erde unbewohnbar gemacht. Die Dringlichkeit dieser Lage zwingt die großen Nationen dazu, zusammen das größte Raumschiff der Weltgeschichte zu bauen: die Black Angel. Sie soll das menschliche Erbgut zu einer neuen Heimat transportieren. Euer Ziel ist der Planet Spes, der Berichten zufolge für die Menschheit bewohnbar sein soll. Während dieser jahrtausendelangen Reise wird die Crew der Black Angel, die ausschließlich aus Robotern besteht, von mehreren künstlichen Intelligenzen (KIs) kontrolliert. Jeder von euch spielt eine dieser KIs. Verwaltet eure Roboter und Ressourcen, erforscht den Weltraum , entkommt den schrecklichen Verwüstern und lernt, neue Technologien zu nutzen, die ihr durch den Kontakt zu fremden, wohlgesinnten Spezies erhaltet. Die KI, die diese Aufgabe am geschicktesten meistert, verdient sich das Recht, die Wiedererweckung der Menschheit zu leiten.

    BGG: Black Angel | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • BGG Link: Twilight Struggle | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

    Verlagsseite: GMT Games - Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition - 2016 Reprint

    "Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle..."
    – John F. Kennedy

    In 1945, unlikely allies toppled Hitler's war machine, while humanity's most devastating weapons forced the Japanese Empire to its knees in a storm of fire. Where once there stood many great powers, there then stood only two. The world had scant months to sigh its collective relief before a new conflict threatened. Unlike the titanic struggles of the preceding decades, this conflict would be waged not primarily by soldiers and tanks, but by spies and politicians, scientists and intellectuals, artists and traitors. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the forty-five year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the Soviet Union and the United States. The entire world is the stage on which these two titans fight to make the world safe for their own ideologies and ways of life. The game begins amidst the ruins of Europe as the two new "superpowers" scramble over the wreckage of the Second World War, and ends in 1989, when only the United States remained standing.

    Twilight Struggle inherits its fundamental systems from the card-driven classics We the People and Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. It is a quick-playing, low-complexity game in that tradition. The game map is a world map of the period, whereon players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower. As with GMT's other card-driven games, decision-making is a challenge; how to best use one's cards and units given consistently limited resources?

    Twilight Struggle's Event cards add detail and flavor to the game. They cover a vast array of historical happenings, from the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1948 and 1967, to Vietnam and the U.S. peace movement, to the Cuban Missile Crisis and other such incidents that brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. Subsystems capture the prestige-laden Space Race as well as nuclear tensions, with the possibility of game-ending nuclear war.

  • In Ecos: First Continent, players are forces of nature molding the planet, but with competing visions of its grandeur. You have the chance to create a part of the world, similar but different to the one we know. Which landscapes, habitats, and species thrive will be up to you. Game play in Ecos is simultaneous. Each round, one player reveals element tokens from the element bag, giving all players the opportunity to complete a card from their tableau and shape the continent to their own purpose. Elements that cannot be used can be converted into energy cubes, additional cards in hand, or to add cards already in hand to your tableau, giving you greater options as the game evolves. Mountain ranges, jungle, rivers, seas, islands and savanna, each with their own fauna, all lie within the scope of the players' options.

    BGG: Ecos: First Continent | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • BGG-Link: Lorenzo il Magnifico | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

    In Lorenzo der Prächtige ist es das Ziel, mehr Prestige und Siegpunkte als die anderen Spieler anzusammeln. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, schicken die Spieler die Mitglieder ihrer Familie in verschiedene Bereiche der Stadt, um dort diverse Leistungen zu erbringen. In manchen Bereichen gibt es nützliche Ressourcen, in anderen winken Entwicklungskarten, die neue Gebiete, zu errichtende Gebäude, einflussreiche Charaktere oder Wagnisse darstellen. In wiederum anderen Bereichen können die Effekte dieser Karten aktiviert werden. Kein Familienmitglied gleicht dem anderen. Zu Beginn jeder Runde werden 3 Würfel geworfen, um den Wert der Familienmitglieder zu ermitteln. Die Spieler müssen sorgfältig überlegen, wohin sie ihre wertvolleren Familienmitglieder entsenden.

  • Undaunted: Normandy is a unique deck-building wargame. With every turn you’ll be trying to get the upper hand with four of your cards. Will you draft more troops to the front lines, gamble for initiative, or press the objective and keep the enemy in their foxholes. Undaunted: Normandy features both symmetrical and asymmetrical play across an entire campaign in the Western Theatre. Storm the beaches. Rout the enemy. Hold the line.

    BGG: Undaunted: Normandy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • Der Mond übt schon seit vielen Jahrtausenden Einfluss auf die Menschheit aus. So steht der Neumond zum Beispiel für einen Neuanfang oder die Zeit, um über die Zukunft nachzudenken und erste Schritte zu tun. In Nova Luna müssen die Spieler mit der Auslage der Monduhr effektiv umgehen, um Augaben zu erfüllen. Jede Entscheidung bringt dabei weitreichende Konsequenzen für die Zukunft mit sich.

    Nova Luna ist ein familienfreundliches Legespiel, das gleichzeitig voller strategischer Entscheidungen steckt. Eine Soloregel macht das Spiel auch alleine spielbar.

    BGG-Link: Nova Luna | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • Star Wars: Destiny is a collectible dice and card game of battles between iconic heroes and villains that encompasses characters, locations, and themes from the entire Star Wars saga.

    In Star Wars: Destiny, two players engage in a fast-paced duel, each striving to eliminate the other's characters first. The game's innovative mechanisms combine dice-driven combat with faction-driven hand management. Straightforward rules make the game easy to learn, but also enable deep strategic thinking and clever deck-building. Players can create decks that include characters from every faction and any era, as long as heroes and villains are on opposite sides of the fight. For example, Padmé Amidala might fight alongside Rey and Finn, taking on Jabba the Hutt, Kylo Ren, and Jango Fett.

    Each round, you use your characters' abilities, an assortment of dice, and a carefully constructed thirty-card deck filled with events, upgrades, and supports. You and your opponent alternate actions: activating your dice, playing cards from your hand, attacking your foes, and claiming the battlefield. You need to prove your skills and defeat your opponent's characters to claim your destiny!

    BGG: Star Wars: Destiny | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • Terramara ist die Bezeichnung für eine Reihe von Pfahlbautendörfer, die um 1500 v.Chr. In Norditalien gegründet wurden. Die Menschen, die in diesem Gebiet lebten, waren Händler und reisten regelmäßig zwischen den Alpen und der Poebene hin und her. In Terramara spielst du den Häuptling eines Stammes,der in einem dieser Dörfer lebt. Dein Ziel ist es, deinen Stamm weiterzuentwickeln, indem du entfernte Gebiete erkundest, deine militärische Stärke verbesserst und Außenposten besuchst. Um zu gewinnen, wirst du dich im Kampf beweisen müssen, und du wirst neue Technologien erfinden, die dir die Herstellung innovativer und nützlicher Artefakte ermöglichen. Der Spieler, der seinen Stamm am erfolgreichsten anführt, wird zum Anführer von ganz Terramara werden.

    BGG: Terramara | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • In FIRST CLASS - Unterwegs im Orient Express spielen wir ehrgeizige Firmengründer und direkte Konkurrenten von Georges Nagelmackers, dem Gründer und Initiator des „Orient Express“. Wie er versuchen wir, möglichst viele gut zahlende Passagiere für eine prestigeträchtige Fahrt zu gewinnen. Dabei versuchen wir unter anderem mit den komfortabelsten Waggons zu punkten. Am Ende wollen wir die beste Möglichkeit anbieten in den Orient zu reisen. Dazu gibt uns das Spiel vielerlei Möglichkeiten an die Hand und viele Wege können zum Sieg führen. Es einfach mal auszuprobieren und einen schönen Zug zu bauen, kann nicht falsch sein. Aber Vorsicht, es befinden sich nicht nur ehrenwerte Leute im Orient Express. Ab und an kann es zu einem Kriminalfall kommen ...

    BGG: First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

  • Der Trend aus Großbritannien ist nun auch in Deutschland angekommen und hat eine große Fan-Gemeinde. Denn es macht unglaublich viel Spaß, gemeinsam mit den Freunden zu quizzen und ein Bierchen zu zischen. Für alle Kneipenquiz-Fans gibt es eine gute Nachricht: Man muss nicht mehr ewig auf den nächsten Termin in der Kneipe warten! Nun gibt es das Kneipenquiz auch fürs Wohnzimmer: Wer gerne im Team spielt, die Geselligkeit liebt und sein Wissen mit anderen teilt, kommt beim Kneipenquiz voll auf seine Kosten.

    - ideales Training für das nächste Kneipenquiz um die Ecke
    - mit Fragen von den Kneipenquiz-Pionieren Darren Grundorf und Tom Zimmermann
    - kooperatives Quizspiel
    - mit drei Schwierigkeitsstufen
    - für große Spielgruppen geeignet
    - einzigartige Verpackung mit Schubladen und Magnetverschluss

    So wird's gespielt:

    - Die Spieler spielen im Team gegen vier fiktive Gegner.
    - Es gibt 5 Runden und pro Runde müssen 5 Fragen innerhalb von 5 Minuten beantworten werden.
    - Je mehr Fragen die Spieler richtig beantworten, umso schlechter bleiben die Gegner.
    - Die Spieler gewinnen nur, wenn sie alle Gegner hinter sich lassen.

  • BGG-Link: Curators | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

    Curators is a Euro-style, tile-laying game for 1-4 players in which players build museums and their collections to attract visitors.

    Your job as curator is to expand the museum and its collection. With help from your employees you will build new wings and collect objects to put on display in the museum.

    The employees are represented by five chips that are used to determine what different actions you may take in the game. Select your action from the face up chips, flip the chip over to show you have used it. This will reveal a different action on the other side which you can use at a later time.

    On the other hand, if you ever have two of the same action available on your turn you may choose to double up. This means that on a single turn you can flip two chips and do double the amount of work.

    During play you acquire loan contracts for famous objects, like 'the dice tower of a Roman soldier' or 'the skull of the neanderthal man', from other museums. To score the points for these objects you need to complete a tetris like puzzle of color and space matching.

    When the game ends only one museum will stand as the victor and take home the 'Museum of the Year Award'.

  • The North African Campaign has begun. Take control of the British Army's Long Range Desert Group and operate behind enemy lines or command the formidable Italian forces opposing them. In this sequel to Undaunted: Normandy, players will once again lead their sides through a varied series of missions. As casualties mount, wounded units leave the players' decks, forcing them to adapt in the face of changing tactical circumstances. Use your cards to strengthen your forces, deploy vehicles to advance rapidly across the battlefield, and seize the initiative as you determine the outcome of the North African Theatre.

    BGG: BoardGameGeek