Da mehrere Kickstarter Projekte vom Sandy Petersen davon betroffen sind, hoffe ich, dass es okay ist, dass hier zentral zu erörtern mit Clickbait-Titel, weil anders als mit Galgenhumor ist das alles nicht mehr zu ertragen.
Auch ich habe die Mail bekommen mit der Ankündigung einer Überraschung. Hat sich außer mir schon jemand gefragt, warum die zwei Links in der Mail unterschiedliche URL haben (ab der 250. Stelle oder so)? Wird damit getrackt, ob man auf Petersens Troll-Move reinfällt und Punkt für Punkt seinen Anweisungen folgt oder ihn im ersten Absatz eiskalt ignoriert? Hat das Auswirkungen auf seine ach so tolle Überraschung, weil er aussiebt: blinde Fanboys, die immer noch an seinen Lippen kleben oder zurecht genervte Kritiker seines Unternehmertums?
ZitatFirst off, please please go to THIS LINK to update your mailing address. I’ll wait right here while you do that. <whistles, taps toe> Back already? Okay, the reason I had you do that is a mystery package is being sent to your residence. Unless you update your address in this portal, you won’t get it. For those of you waiting on past Kickstarter games, this package will NOT include your unfulfilled items, but it WILL explain important details about their production (yes they are coming!).
Rather than doing a normal by-the-book press release, our new partner has something special planned for all of you. We don’t want to give too much away, but I can reveal your mystery package includes interesting puzzles, brain teasers, and dark secrets for all of our Petersen Games friends and allies, who have stuck with us through the pandemic and beyond. This is the start of a voyage that will not only ensure you get the games you’ve paid for, but lead us all to new, unexpected worlds of adventure!
I am excited about this new partnership, and I hope you will be too. While our benefactor is, for now, secret, his identity will be revealed soon (possibly with your mystery package?) His involvement has allowed Petersen Games to focus on our core talents and passion for game creation, delivering new realms to conquer. Again let me reiterate how grateful we are for your fortitude in lasting with us this long.
Finally, in case you didn’t do it when I asked the first time, please go to THIS LINK and update your information. This address update is being entered into a separate shipping system, so even if you’re certain we have your correct information on file, you need to enter it here as well. I promise, you will really want that mystery package: it’s a fun experience and has lots of details you need to know. I am confident you will be pleased with what our new partner can deliver.
Kleine Ergänzung: meinen CW-Pledge ist mir der Kultist, wie so vielen, übrigens noch schuldig.