Sammelbestellung The Ghosts Betwixt

  • Hallo zusammen,

    Langsam kann die Vorfreude steigen und die Spiele sind am Horizont zu erblicken. Es gab es paar Anfragen wegen der Namenseintragung in der Anleitung. Ich hatte Dustin im. November angeschrieben, aber lange keine Antwort erhalten. Ich denke, dass es bei ihm in der Zeit auch wichtigeres Sachen gab und würde das nicht so böse sehen. Neujahr gab's dann eine Antwort und so richtig schien er das bei der SB wohl nicht zu wollen. Ich versteh das auch, denn wir zahlen ja eigentlich das Basisspiel... Wir haben dann aber via Discord nochmal gequatscht und gestern Abend kam das Go. Allerdings ist die Deadline schon morgen Abend und die Bedingung das noch Platz in der Box ist. Wenn ihr also einen Namen in der Box haben wollt, dann schickt mir eure Namen bis morgen 12 Uhr. Bitte als PN.

    Beste Grüße


  • Falls jemand seine Bestellung hier doch nicht mehr haben möchte, würde ich diese gerne übernehmen.

    Aeon‘s End, Robinson Crusoe, Pandemie, Sword & Sorcery, Legenden von Andor, Paleo, Spirit Island, Galaxy,Altar Quest, Arkham Horror LCG, Cantaloop, Planet Apocalypse, Mage Knight UE, Too Many Bones, Hexplore It, Mini Quest, Descent 3, Robin Hood, Tiny Epic Dungeoin, Scythe, Arnak, Imperium C&L, Everdell, Cooper Island, TfM, Shadows of Brimstone, Dune Imperium, Arche Nova, Voidfall, AT:O, GWT, Midarra, Tainted Grail, Tapestry, Scythe, Age of Innovation

    Im Zulauf: Primal, CoD, EuS

  • Hallo zusammen,

    hier das aktuelle Update von Dustin:

    Greetings friends,

    Your copy of The Ghosts Betwixt currently sits in our manufacturer’s warehouse awaiting a shipping container. Last I heard, it is supposed to begin its journey at the end of this month.

    Trust me - every day I ask if there’s any news. It should be moving soon, but we simply don’t know. I’ll keep you updated as soon as I hear for sure when it’s on the water.

    The second bit of information that I want to share with you is not a very fun topic, but one I’m forced to address. After several days of thinking about whether to even mention this issue to you, I decided to be honest with you all, just as I’ve tried to be throughout this process.

    Our friends in the EU, and especially in Germany, have been extremely supportive of The Ghosts Betwixt. I’m incredibly humbled that an idea concocted in my hometown of Lee’s Summit, Missouri has caught the attention of so many of you around the world.

    While that is an amazing feat, I recently learned that its international appeal comes with some obstacles. Primarily, a financial one.

    The Ghosts Betwixt Kickstarter campaign funded more than 1 ½ years ago. From then until late 2020, we worked to finish the game and ensure the final product matched our vision. I can honestly say, we accomplished everything we wanted to.

    Then from late 2020 to just recently, we’ve been dealing with the manufacturing process, which as you also know, has had its share of ups and downs, and delays.

    A lot has changed in the world since The Ghosts Betwixt funded in 2019. Recently, I learned that as of July, the EU is being much more aggressive with collecting VAT for not just large imports but also small ones.

    Our shipping manager said we picked the worst time in history to ship a game internationally.

    For you EU backers, we did not include any additional VAT charges into the pledge because in October 2019, I didn’t believe it was necessary. But now it’s becoming very apparent that we should have.

    From what I understand, I owe a VAT expense of 20% of the monies I’ve collected from EU backers. That includes the game price and shipping expenses. If you do some quick math of a few hundred copies heading to the EU, you get the idea of what I'm dealing with.

    It puts me in a tough spot financially, but I promise this hurdle WILL NOT delay the fulfillment of The Ghosts Betwixt.

    Therefore, if you do feel like helping the cause and have the means to do so, it’d mean the world to me. If you don’t, don’t worry - you will still get your game and my sincere gratitude for coming along this journey with us.

    For those of you who are interested in contributing to the VAT expense, please know I will keep your contributions on record and will plan to do something special for you when the next campaign for Chapter 2 comes around. What that is exactly, I’m not yet sure. But it’ll be something...

    Again, the main thing I want all of you to know is this situation will not affect shipping. We WILL get it figured out on our end. But if you are able and feel compelled to help us overcome this obstacle, please know how much it’s appreciated.

    Now that’s out of the way, I promise good times are just around the corner with The Ghosts Betwixt!

    On that topic, I’d like to end with a quick story that I’ll never forget:

    A few weeks ago, my family rented a lake house along with some other families. One of the boys, around 12 years old, heard about The Ghosts Betwixt and that the designer of it would be at the house.

    He immediately asked me if I brought it (of course I did haha), and he, his dad and I went through all of the wacky weapon cards, monsters, map tiles, etc. Every new component I showed him was met with “Awesome!” “Cool!” “How’d you think of that?” “I can’t wait to play it!”

    The next night, I got it all set up and we all played through Mission 1 together. It was clear, the gameplay of TGB met his already high expectations. He loved the exploration, the combat system, the story and the overall feel of the game.

    It was definitely a proud moment for me. I’m not used to being in the spotlight, but that kid made me feel really special. Most importantly though, it reminded me how excited I am for each of you to have similar experiences. That is the true reward after this long journey of making a game. All the obstacles we've encountered throughout this process will soon be worth it. And I sincerely have each of you to thank.

    I simply cannot wait to hear about each of your own stories once TGB finally arrives here soon.

    Thanks to each of you for your continued support. And thanks for allowing me to humble myself and ask a favor from you. I can’t stress this enough: only help if you can and if you want to. Otherwise, let’s all cheer along to get these games delivered!

    Thanks so much!


    Es wird also alles klappen, aber er wäre dankbar für Unterstützung bei der VAT. Ich habe ihn jetzt gefragt, wie wir ihm das Geld zukommen lassen könnten. Ich würde es dann einsammeln und ihm schicken. Wichtig: Die Abgabe ist für jeden hier freiwillig. Es soll sich also niemand genötig fühlen. Ich melde mich bei Neuigkeiten.

    Beste Grüße


  • Sooooo... Wie auch die anderen Backer kann ich den Pledge wieder öffnen und frei erhöhen. Ich schicke nachher nochmal meine Paypal Adresse rum und wer möchte kann dann nochmal etwas drauflegen. Bitte verwendet den Verwendungszweck, den ich dann angebe, damit ich das am besten koordinieren kann. Ein Richtwert sind 5 bis 10 Euro, aber da es ja freiwillig ist, kann jede/r so viel geben (oder gar nichts) wie man mag

  • Stobi : Frage mal ganz vorsichtig: Hat man die Möglichkeit jetzt doch noch mit einzusteigen?

    Aeon‘s End, Robinson Crusoe, Pandemie, Sword & Sorcery, Legenden von Andor, Paleo, Spirit Island, Galaxy,Altar Quest, Arkham Horror LCG, Cantaloop, Planet Apocalypse, Mage Knight UE, Too Many Bones, Hexplore It, Mini Quest, Descent 3, Robin Hood, Tiny Epic Dungeoin, Scythe, Arnak, Imperium C&L, Everdell, Cooper Island, TfM, Shadows of Brimstone, Dune Imperium, Arche Nova, Voidfall, AT:O, GWT, Midarra, Tainted Grail, Tapestry, Scythe, Age of Innovation

    Im Zulauf: Primal, CoD, EuS

  • Also alle die mir bis ebenn geschrieben haben, wurden mir ihrem Wunschnamen an Dustin weitergeleitet. Euch allen noch ein schönes Wochenende

    Hatte das am Ende eigentlich geklappt?

    Eigentlich schon, also ich hatte zumindest seine Bestätigung. Nachgeschaut habe ich aber noch nicht

  • Eigentlich schon, also ich hatte zumindest seine Bestätigung. Nachgeschaut habe ich aber noch nicht

    Die Namen sind kreuz und quer im Mission-Guide (über 70 Seiten) verteilt. Habe einige aus dem Forum hier gefunden und wieder erkannt (inkl. meiner Wenigkeit). Du bist gleich 2x verewigt (mit Username und Klarname). :)

  • Vielen Dank für die tolle Abwicklung, hat super geklappt!

    Nur zur Sicherheit: der Unterschied zwischen Standard- und Deluxe-Ausgabe sind nur zwei Stanzbögen, die Nieten und der kleine Beutel, richtig?

    Ja genau, ist den Mehrwert, den man in der Kampagne gezahlt hat nicht wirklich wert