Beiträge von Bergziege im Thema „Sammelbestellung The Ghosts Betwixt“

    Siehste, ich wiederum find es super, dass es keine Miniaturen sind, sondern eben Standees. Passt für mich zu diesem Spiel viel besser, noch dazu find ich es extrem nervig, sowas anzumalen und spiele immer mit den grauen Dingern, da sind bunte und illustrierte Standees doch prima. Prepainted Minis wären ja viel zu teuer geworden. Und dann schiebst da diese graue Plastik durch die bunte Geschichte.... Nä.

    Von daher Daumen hoch für Standees! ^^:thumbsup:

    Ich habe mal den entsprechenden Part aus dem aktuellen Update rauskopiert.



    As you know, we are funded! However, over the last few days we've been bouncing between 103%-105%. If you would have told me this a few weeks ago, I would have (and still am) PSYCHED to be funded.

    However, I think we can do a little more. We need to get to about $25,000 in funding. If we can, we will be able to order 1,000 games from our manufacturer instead of just 500. The savings of cost per game of 1000 vs 500 copies are immense. It doesn't make financial sense to just order 500.

    If we are able to order 1000 copies, it will allow us to invest the savings into the game for higher quality components. So, regardless of whether we hit some of those stretch goals, the final product will be better if we can reach $25,000. And, it will allow us to look at some of those stretch goals and see if we can incorporate them in the game anyway.
