Beiträge von f-p-p-m im Thema „Washington's War“

    Für alle die es verpasst haben, hier etwas aus dem Spielbox Forum:

    Autor: Uli Blennemann
    Datum: 08.06.10 08:37 (Beitrag Nr. 236231)
    Alle Käufer der dt.Ausgabe werden kostenlos von mir Ersatzcounter erhalten. Ich hoffe, diese im August/September in Händen zu haben.
    Übrigens, wer mag eine pbem-Partie per Vassal mit mir spielen? Ich würde die einzelnen Logs auf der Phalanx-Seite einstellen, so dass jeder die Partie nachvollziehen kann. Komplett-Link:
    Dort gibt es auch das deutschsprachige Vassal-Modul zum kostenlosen Herunterladen.
    Die FAQs werden in Kürze eingestellt. Uli

    [Zitat Ende]

    Klingt doch gut und das ist der Service den ich erwarte.
    Es kann ja nicht sein das man für eine Fehlerkorrektur ein Magazin mit korrekten Countern kaufen muss !

    Wurden in der deutschen Ausgabe alle Fehler der englischen Version bereits behoben ???
    Ich finde es immer bedauerlich wenn Fehler die bereits bekannt sind nicht bei folgenden Auflagen behoben wurden.
    Liste der Errata:

    Washington’s War Errata and Clarifications:

    Updated 5/20/2010

    Glossary Entry: "Adjacent."

    See Falmouth - Quebec connection clarification below.

    5.7. End Phase Clarification:

    During an End Phase all OPS queues and any other game process that the players can conceive of or imagine; stops, and cannot carry over into the next game turn.

    6.1.B. Reshuffle Clarification:

    If a reshuffle is triggered in the middle of the Strategy Phase (owing to deck depletion and a card draw is needed from the play of a Battle Card Event), the current "War Ends" card and any cards currently in the Reinforcement Card boxes are NOT shuffled.

    The "Declaration of Independence" (#99) and "William Pitt Urges Peace Talks" (#95) event cards trigger a Reshuffle when PLAYED as an event (not discarded) as per the rulebook--of course "Declaration of Independence can NEVER be discarded. The "Hortelez et Cie" (#96) event, however is the opposite: "Hortelez et Cie" triggers a Reshuffle when DISCARDED (not played) as per the card text.

    6.32.B.ii Discarding an Event Card to place or flip a PC marker Clarification:

    Please note that it says, "Place or flip one PC adjacent to a friendly PC subject to the additional restrictions in Rule 10.11." This is an IMPORTANT detail. In 10.11 you will find that you must have a friendly Army in a space in order to FLIP a PC marker.

    7.1.B Operations Queue Clarification:

    Discard of an OPS card to pick up a discarded Event does not cancel the OPS Queue.

    7.4.C Movement Clarification:

    Generals may move through spaces containing other friendly Generals. 7.4.C. applies if a General stops in a space with another friendly General.

    7.5 British Naval Movement Addition:

    Add the following: "Any origin or destination Fortified Port which does not contain a British PC marker is ineligible for Naval Movement."

    7.6.A Capturing Generals During Movement Clarification:

    In the interest of clarity, 7.6.A should read,

    "Any time an Army enters a space containing an enemy General unaccompanied by CUs (whether by Movement, Interception, or Retreat), that General is captured. The Army may continue moving. The Captured General is placed in the Captured Generals Box, and during the Reinforcements Phase of the following game-turn, he (like every other captured General) is placed in his side’s Reinforcements Box."

    Note that 7.3.B states that only entry into a space containing an enemy CU stops movement (the exception being Overrun).

    7.6.B SPECIAL RULE: George Washington Capture Errata:

    "If George Washington is captured, he is removed from the game. The British immediately remove 5 AMERICAN PC markers, no more than one per colony (including Canada) in any space that does not contain an American CU, General, or the Continental Congress."

    9.1 Battle Definition: Last sentence of Design Note has an extra "the." Sentence should read:

    "Interceptions only occur on American PC Markers which represents both the lack of Tory guides and the presence of rebel irregulars who interfered with British reconnaissance and intelligence gathering."

    9.2 Combat Resolution Procedure: The word "side" was omitted from last sentence of Step 7. Sentence should read,

    "...flip the Turn Counter to the “No British Regulars Advantage” side if the British Regulars Advantage is still in effect."

    9.61 Retreat Clarification:

    Surviving Combat Units (attacker or defender) without a General may retreat after losing a battle. Note that the attacker could be left without a General if Benedict Arnold is the attacking General and the Benedict Arnold event is played as a Battle Card by the defender.

    10.11.B.iii The word "of" was omitted from the first sentence of the Design Note. Sentence should read,

    "This capability allows the British player to move an Army into a new area, gain control of one space and then, in subsequent card plays, begin placing PC markers adjacent to the recently controlled space.

    Page 7, Winter Attrition Phase, paragraph 3: The desertion die roll results got transposed in the Playbook. The final two sentences should read,

    “On a 1-3 he is removed; on a 4-6 he remains. The die roll is a ‘1’ which removes him.”

    Chart 9.4, Combat Resolution DRMs:

    "+1 Discard of an enemy Event" should read "+1 Discard of an Event." The Rules in 6.33.C are correct. With the exception of "Must Play" events, any Event can be discarded for the purpose of gaining +1 DRM in Combat.

    Sadly, several of the square, Colony-Control markers were not properly back-printed. Each square Colony-Control marker should have the opposite nationality on the reverse side. Corrected counters will be reprinted in C3i.

    #80. Lt Colonel Simcoe's Queen's Rangers - Clarification: Both spaces must be within two spaces of the SAME General.

    #95. William Pitt Urges Peace Talks - Clarification: If discarded by either player the card does NOT trigger a Reshuffle (see 6.1.B clarification above).

    #96. Hortelez et Cie - Clarification: If discarded by either player, a Reshuffle IS TRIGGERED as per card text (this conflicts with 6.1.B but remember that in 6.31 final bullet, it says, "In cases where there is a perceived contradiction between the rules and the card text, the card text takes precedence." See 6.1.B clarification above).

    The Falmouth - Quebec connection: For political isolation purposes there is no connection between the spaces. The spaces are adjacent for Arnold only, and only for the purpose of movement, interception, and retreat.