Beiträge von Xebeche im Thema „Innovation Ultimate“

    Das jüngste Update bestätigt quasi eine Lokalisierung ins Deutsche 🙂 (Hervorheb. d. mich)


    I wanted to offer a quick update on localization - I'd hoped to share more details before the end of the campaign, but the situation I mentioned in the last update has prevented me from finalizing contracts and doing a formal announcement of partners. I can say that we're confident that there will be forthcoming editions of Innovation in Spanish, French, German, Chinese, with strong possibilities of some other languages as well. These versions will all carry the same look and design presentation as the English version, with some small adjustments for language as necessary.

    Work on those editions cannot start until our version is fully complete, so it will be early 2024 before we share files with our localization partners - their versions are not part of this campaign nor will they be available from us directly in the pledge manager.

    Die FAQ weisen bereits auf Lokalisierungen hin, die vielleicht schon Ende 2024 erscheinen könnten:

    Ferner wird schon Age 12 angeteasert 😉 (vielleicht doch lieber 50 Jahre warten…)

    Bin mal mit einem Dollar drin und warte auf Information zu den Lokalisierungen. Über dieses Spiel hört man ja allerorts viel Gutes 🙂