Beiträge von Orsox im Thema „Legend Academy“

    Update 33

    Vielleicht wird es hier ja jetzt wieder ein bisschen aktiver xD, im gestrigen Update wurde verkündet:



    While our original plan was to print the game in three languages if we reached a threshold of 500 copies per language, unfortunately, we received fewer than 100 orders for each alternate language. We looked around and tried to find a possibility of printing them in these smaller quantities, but we had no such luck. Our plan now is to send you the English copies and provide digital cheat-sheets, components, and rulebooks for other languages to help you understand them. We've done similar things for all of our other games, and it seems to work quite well for people! Thank you for your understanding - I really wish we had reached our threshold and been able to produce those other languages! Maybe someday in the future we'll be able to. :)

    Also wird es jetzt das Spiel weder auf französisch noch auf deutsch geben.

    In den Kommentaren bei Gamefound ist schon einiges los. Aber bisher keine Reaktion der Entwickler.