Beiträge von HagenB im Thema „Robinson Crusoe: Collector’s Edition“

    Ich weiß nicht, ob sich mal jemand die Mühe gemacht hat, die Chronologie der Verarschung zu Dokumentieren? Ich bin eben mal durch die Updates gegangen, um zu schauen, wie lange korrekturgelesen wurde, um die beste und fehlerfreieste Version aller Zeiten von Robinson Crusoe zu bekommen:

    Im November 22 waren die deutschsprachigen Dateien "almost Done".

    Im September 23 wurden sie zum wiederholtwiederholten Male final korrekturgelesen.

    Im Februar 24 wurden die wirklich allerallerletzten Änderungen vorgenommen.

    Und das wohlgemerkt nicht bei einem komplett neuen Produkt. Die Übersetzungen für die allermeisten Komponenten waren vorhanden.
    Ich arbeite selbst in einem Verlag (leider nicht in der Spielebranche ;) ) und kann mir wirklich überhaupt nicht erklären oder auch nur im Ansatz vorstellen, wie so ein Verlauf zustande kommt.

    07.04.2021 ->Pledged
    30.09.2022 (Update 44)
    Minis have already been manufactured - erste Ankündigung für eine Verspätung der deutschen Übersetzung.
    15.11.2022 (Update 45)
    files for the German Version are almost done - Eta der deutschen Version: Feb/März 2023
    22.12.2022 (Update 46)
    German edition - our localization partner is polishing their print files - All the miniatures have already been manufactured as mentioned in previous updates.
    03.02.2023 (Update 47)
    Good news! Pegasus Spiele did a great job working with the files. We have received all the files for the German edition and sent them to the factory for verification. This language edition was slightly behind schedule, so we are happy it’s catching up and will be produced in the same batch as the other language editions.
    30.03.2023 (Update 49)
    German files - everything has been delivered.
    29.04.2023 (Update 50)
    We will do final proof-reading as soon as it arrives and hopefully give a green light for the mass production.

    14.06.2023 - Pegasus hat die Deluxe Edition gelistet. Wird zur Messe erscheinen

    30.06.2023 (Update 52)
    Final proofing - As the process finished this week, all our partners will receive updated files along with a detailed Change Log, and they will do the same in their editions.
    09.08.2023 (Update 54)
    We have now received the final proofs, and they look good. The base game is ready to start production.
    30.09.2023 (Update 56)
    In previous updates, I personally informed you that once all the files were ready for printing, I decided NOT to proceed and instead subjected them to another round of proofreading (please refer to previous updates) to ensure the game, though delayed, would be error-free.
    I want to emphasize that the German Gamefound edition you backed was included in this additional proofreading. As I've stated in previous updates, and reiterate now, it was my decision to delay production and conduct another round of proofreading, and I take full responsibility for it. In the long run, I believe it was the right decision.
    18.10.2023 (Update 57)
    We received additional confirmation that all language files (other than EN) after the final edits and corrections have already been sent to the manufacturer or will be sent in the upcoming days. We expect no additional delay on this front.
    14.12.2023 (Update 60)
    German (DE): we received all files from publisher and we are doing some small corrections and preparing to print
    05.01.2024 (Update 61)
    DE (German) Pegasus retail Deluxe version has slightly different components, our team is finishing adjusting their files to the Collector's edition.
    18.01.2024 (Update 62)
    DE (German) Our team is finishing adjusting their files to the Collector's edition.
    Adjusting DE files took our DTP team longer than I expected, and I am very sorry. I am as disappointed as you with this delay. I was assured by our DTP team that this will be completed this week.
    02.02.2024 (Update 63)
    We have successfully resolved issues related to the German edition files, and finally can announce that the production process for all editions (who were waiting for DE files) finally may begin.
    04.03.2024 (Update 65)
    Production for all other language versions is as planned, no problems so far. The production is scheduled to finish at the end of this month, or first week of April.
    29.04.2024 (Update 67)
    All other language editions have been accepted and are now prepared to ship from China. These include the German, Polish, and other non-English versions.

    August 2024