Beiträge von Goldfuzzy im Thema „Anno 1800 - Das Brettspiel“

    Für Anno finde ich es jetzt komisch. Ich glaube ich habe mit dem 01.08. einen der ersten möglichen Termine zum vorbestellen erwischt. Vielleicht hat keine Charge bekommen? Kommt bestimmt noch nach!

    Ich hatte mir #TheKingsDilemma vorbestellt im Juli, nachdem es bei allen anderen Händlern in Deutschland schon lange verfügbar war, kam es vor etwa 2 Wochen dann endlich hier auch an. Auch zu dem Sonderpreis, zu dem ich geordert hatte. Aber ja, einen zwischenzeitlichen Bestellstatus oder gar eine Stornierung konnte ich nicht über mein Bü vornehmen. Da gibt es auf jeden Fall noch Verbesserungspotential.

    Einfach den Service kurz anschrieben falls du es stornieren möchtest und es ist erledigt – so habe ich es eben gemacht.
    Warte dann stattdessen erstmal auf weitere ausführliche Reviews und free mich in der Zwischenzeit über die restlichen Spiele die hier die Tage pünktlich eintrudeln.

    Ein Glück wieder Geld gespart....

    Wollte schon dreimal vorbestellen, aber so hab ich die Optik dann auf keinen Fall erwartet. Mit dieser tristen lockt man wohl kaum jemanden hinterm Schrank hervor - hatte auf ein etwas farbenfroheres Brass gehofft. Oder evtl. eine optische Alternative zu Arler Erde. Das hier scheint ja keines von beidem zu sein. Dazu dann noch ohne Solo Modus... da wird dann wohl doch höchstens zum abverkauf zugeschlagen :/

    bei bol kommt man heute auf unter 40 Euro, wenn man für 100 Euro bestellt.....aber ich warte lieber ab.

    Was Vorbestellungen angeht setz ich da aktuell lieber auf die Digitale Messe und deren Angebote. Ansonsten lohnt sich vorbestellen ja eigentlich so gut wie nie... paar Wochen später gibt’s den Kram immer irgendwo im Angebot

    Hier noch ein paar Eindrücke vom Playtester zu den unterschiedlichen Spieler anzahlen. Ich erhoffe mir persönlich ziemlich viel von dem Spiel. Klingt auf jeden Fall schonmal interessant.


    Last night I played Anno with Martin at 2 players, meaning I've now played multiple versions of Anno at all player counts (except 1). In the last two weeks alone I've played Anno in 2, 3 and 4 player modes as Martin did the final tweaking before the game hits the printers.

    I enjoy the game at all player counts, but the experience changes slightly at each count.

    2 player:

    I previously said that there would be an automa in the 2 player game. This is false (it is for solo only). The game is played exactly the same as at high player counts.

    2 player is the recommended way to teach the game to new players. It is the least interactive of the different player counts. If you want you can play entirely solitaire in 2 player. You'll lose, but it is possible. Variability in 2 player is driven by your cards (as it is in all player counts). If you only need one sausage but need five schnapps, you'll build a schnapps distillery and hope your opponent gets the sausages so you can trade.

    2 player is a relaxed way of playing the game and shipping is least important in this game mode (though you cannot ignore it). It would make a great couples game for people who want a cerebral, non-aggressive game to play with their partner.

    My 2 player game with Martin took 1h 30 minutes. Martin timed other games at under 1h 30min. New players can add half an hour while they get their heads around the game.

    3 player:

    In my opinion this is the best player count. There are two copies of every building so you are going to get screwed out of buildings, but you'll mostly be able to follow your strategy. At this player count the game becomes a lot more interactive than at 2 player. But it's not punishing or super tight.

    4 player:

    4 player is the most interactive way to play Anno. It is a lot tighter than the other two player counts and is not recommended for new players. You will get screwed out of things you want, but the good thing is you can work around these problems with some success.

    For example, in my most recent 4 player game I only managed to get a single yellow worker over and above my starting workers because the other three players focused on them and the supply depleted. I also didn't manage to get any of the red resource buildings which give me basic goods like brick and coal using red workers. But what I did get was a level two shipyards and a couple of decent merchant ships. I was then able to trade for most of the basic resources I needed and I finished second overall.

    Ships are super important at this player count and you will often see the first engineer a player acquires getting turned into a level two shipyards.

    The feeling of 4 player is much tighter and it's harder to play, especially if you have players who are new. It's more interactive at this play count but at the same time it doesn't take much longer than at lower player counts. Expect nothing more than 2h 30 minutes for experienced players.

    So if you want a relaxed but cerebral couples game, or a highly interactive 4 player experience, or something in between, Anno has a lot to offer.