Beiträge von sking im Thema „Kemet blood and sand“

    Das "fehlende" Tray für grün wäre nen sinnvolles Add-On (gewesen)

    aus dem heutigen update:

    "-How many tile trays are included in the Rise of the Gods expansion? Each copy of the Rise of the Gods expansion will come with 3 tile trays: One for each of two new tile colors, and one for the Emerald tiles of the Book of the dead expansion. But the big Box can basically store the tile trays for every tile colors of Kemet."

    also ist in der big box dran drin.

    hatte in dem Kommentaren gefragt wer die Übersetzung macht. Antwort war:

    Hello, we are doing the german version ourselves with professionnal german translators. As Rise of the Gods is a non-retail product, it is harder for those kind of products to find a localization partner, but we still wanted to make it available to the german community.