Beiträge von jaws im Thema „Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile (Leder Games)“

    Klingt nach Kampagne und einmalig benutzbares Spielmaterial, oder täuscht der uninformierte Eindruck?

    Letzteres. Cole hat immer wieder betont, dass Oath kein Legacyspiel ist.

    Aus dem Kickstarter:


    Every game in Oath affects the games that follow. If one game ends with the fall of an empire, the next game will be played in its still-smoldering ruin. There is no pre-written narrative or pre-determined end point. Oath is not a legacy game. Instead, it is a game about legacy where the choices the players make will determine what happens next.

    At the end of each game of Oath, players will take account of what happened in their game during the Chronicle Phase. During this phase, the game’s board will be re-centered around the territory of the game’s victor, the victory condition may be adjusted, and new cards will be introduced to the deck depending on how the game was won. When they have completed this process, they will have advanced the history of their world by a generation and set the stage for the next crisis.

    At this point, players can opt to play another game or they can pack up the game into the box in a way that will preserve the game state for easy setup for the next game. Games of Oath take about 6 minutes to pack up and no more than 3 minutes to set up.