Beiträge von Yakosh-Dej im Thema „ Vindication (war: Epoch: The Awakening)“

    Aus dem letzten Update vom 19.08. … im Groben läuft alles nach Plan ...

    "Normally we’d say we’re still cruising along right on time for our Jan 2022 delivery. But, given the state of global shipping, we’re being realistic about the fact that we can’t really say anything with the certainty we’d like these days. For now, we’re relaxing our expectations into a broader “Q1 2022,” while maintaining the hope that everything keeps going smoothly as planned. We will be as passionately dedicated as ever and have zero reason to expect any slowdown on our end, so it all depends on the state of the world when the time comes to hit boats. We’ll keep you posted as we get nearer that period."

    Anstatt Januar 2022 könnte es also durchaus März 2022 werden, was aufgrund der aktuellen Shipping-Situation ja völlig OK wäre ...