Beiträge von Kaermo im Thema „Der böse Zwilling“

    Hallo Freunde der bösen Zwillinge!

    Bin heute im Blog eines kleinen Verlags (Hollandspiele) auf den Beleg gestoßen, dass die Suche nach den bösen Zwillingen uns nur auf den Tag vorbereitet, an dem es tatsächlich mal soweit ist. Das Paar, das hinter dem Verlag steht war auf der Suche nach Wargames/Cosims in einem Spieleladen, der sich vor allem auf Tabletop-Miniaturen spezialisert hat:

    Mary asked the fellow at the counter if they had any wargames. Miniatures still being their bread-and-butter, at first he thought that's what she was asking about. "No, we mean board games that are historical wargames. Hex-and-counter style."

    "No. I'm sorry, I've never heard of Hex & Counter. Is that a new game? Who's the publisher?"

    "No, what we mean are historical board games, where you have little chits, and you move them on a hex grid."

    "I think the closest thing we have to that is the new Risk, but I think it's out of stock. I can try to order it for you."

    "No, that's okay."

    "Hey, Bob," he said to a coworker, and so actually he didn't say "Bob", we don't remember what his name was, but in retrospect he certainly looked like a Bob, "do we have any board games played on a hexadecimal grid?"

    Sorry für den Off-Topic-Post aber ich dachte, das könnte Euch genauso zum Lachen oder Schmunzeln bringen wie mich :)

    Weitermachen! ;)

    PS: Wer den kompletten Blog-Post lesen möchte, findet ihn hier.