Beiträge von yzemaze im Thema „A Handful of Stars (Martin Wallace, Treefrog): März 2017? Preorders bald“

    Treefrog is both pleased and saddened to announce the imminent release of A Handful of Stars which will be the very last game that will be published under our label. [...] We will be printing 2500 copies in all, all with English language rules. There will be no collector’s edition, just one version of the game. I have already sold the rights to the game to Fantasy Flight Games, who may or may not print a new version at some time. They purchased the system so that they could use the core mechanics for other games, so I have no idea what their plans are for this game. [...] If you live in the UK or Europe then you are best ordering the game from Gameslore. [...] Hopefully the games will be ready to ship by March 2017 – it takes about eight weeks to print the game, plus a little extra time for seasonal holidays. [...]

    Bei Martin Wallace weiß man ja nie, aber das dürfte allem Anschein nach wohl das letzte Spiel sein, welches er selbst veröffentlicht. Eine Ära geht damit zu Ende. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die in letzter Zeit erfolgte Konzentration auf das Spieldesign Früchte trägt, die auch die Kennerspieler und Coregamer wieder begeistern können ;)