Beiträge von Naitakal im Thema „ ADAPT - The Card & Dice Game“

    Dem neuen Kickstarter Projekt von John Wrot (Gate Keeper Games) fehlt aktuell nur noch ein klein wenig mehr um das Funding Goal zu erreichen.


    A uniquely themed card & dice game. "Choose your fish, Adapt new parts, Battle to the death!" 30mins.

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    A.D.A.P.T. is a mid-to-light weight card and dice game that

    • has mighty new Leveling, Drafting, and Mash-up game mechanisms.
    • implements ocean-deep strategies via tons of abilities and body part combinations.
    • is designed to use full sets of polyhedral dice that directly support the above mechanisms and strategies (21 unique Halfsies Dice included).