Beiträge von matthias19281 im Thema „Protoypen und neue Spiele: Breaking News“

    Interessante Neuauflagen:

    29.10.2018 - Kickstarter zu BIOS:Genesis (SMG, Phil Eklund) und Pax Transhumanity (SMG, Matt Eklund)

    Q1 2019 - 1862 Railway Mania in the Eastern Countrys (GMT P500, Mike Hutton)

    2019 - Age of Steam (EGG, Martin Wallace)

    2019 - Die Macher (Spielworxx, Karl-Heinz Schmiel)

    2020 - Kanban (Vital Lacerda) mit Grafik von Ian O'Toole

    Interessante Neuerscheinungen:

    29.10.2018 - Kickstarter zu BIOS:Genesis (SMG, Phil Eklund) und Pax Transhumanity (SMG, Matt Eklund)

    Q4 2018 - City of Big Shoulders

    Q4 2018 - Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (GMT P500, Mark McLaughlin, Chris Vorder Bruegge)

    Q4 2018 - SpaceCorp (GMT P500, John H. Butterfield)

    2019 - Stellar Horizons (Compass Games, Andrew Rader) "Designed by a real-life space engineer with a PhD in long-duration spaceflight from MIT"

    2019 - Kickstarter zu On Mars ( EGG, VItal Lacerda)

    Q3 2019 - Kickstarter zu Perseverance: The Castaway Chronicles (Mindclash Games, Richard Amann, Thomas Vande Ginste, Viktor Peter, Wolf Plancke, Dávid Turczi)