Beiträge von Matze im Thema „Mega Empires (aka Civilization)“

    In Ergänzung zum vorherigen Post.

    Im Newsletter stand neulich folgendes:

    We haven't forgotten our first-time customers: the owners of Mega Civilization. While the game has evolved and been rebranded, most of it remains the same. The highest demand has been for the Market Board, rules for 3+ players, and its components. We offer a MEGA EMPIRES: UPDATE PACK 3-4 players. This pack includes all components that were not yet developed when Mega Civilization was released. As a bonus, this update pack will include all 18 unique and larger player mats and 2 additional city count boards.

    With this pack, you’re fully up to date if you don’t own Eastern Empires or MEGA EMPIRES: THE EAST. To read more about this product, visit our website.