Beiträge von Sempre im Thema „[2024] Asian Tigers: A Story of Prosperity“

    James Churchill hat sich jetzt selbst geäußert.


    Hi everyone, we arrived in Japan a few days ago, and have only just purchased a new computer today and been able to get online. I would like to address the confusion and assumptions here directly, to clear up any fuss. I have worked as a digital artist now in photoshop for 24 years, and still use the same process when illustrating anything, as I always have. You can see work such as Feed the Kraken, and Cosmic Garage on my Artstation page, and if I run those through Hive Moderation, I get a probability of anywhere from 20-89 percent AI generated. Those two images were done in 2019, yet AI was not even released until mid 2022. For this cover, I used photo references from the internet, the same as always, and have provided those to David today. I do not believe there is any AI generated reference material used on the cover, however I will say that it is becoming exceedingly more and more difficult to find reference images that are real, due to nearly 90 percent of available references now being AI stock, and some are very hard to tell. The missing lapel was a fault of my own, which I will correct if time allows, and not an artifact of AI. In the week that I was trying to complete this cover for David, which was an urgent order, I was packing to move to Japan. Working 18 hour days, preparing pet travel and paperwork for MAFF and customs, packing a 20 foot container, finishing work on our caravan to sell it, selling our Jeep, driving hundreds of kms a day picking up last minute things like suitcases, pet travel crates, and a billion other things, while somehow still finding time to complete this illustration before we flew out on the 28th. So if my concentration and available time on the cover was not up to par, my apologies, it was a massive week for me, which I am still recovering from while sitting here in a hotel room in Japan, looking for a place to live. I'm old school, almost 60, and if anyone else has any problems, including all of you keyboard cancel culture warriors, who have nothing better to do than to sit around and complain about other peoples work, then come to me.
