Beiträge von jaws im Thema „SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence [CGE]“

    Hats schon jemand vorbestellt bei CGE oder Heidelbär? Muss da vorab gezahlt werden?

    Ich hab nicht vorbestellt, aber von der CGE Webseite:


    No need to have cash or card with you this year, we are requesting pre-payments for all pre-orders.

    Und falls die Frage aufkommt, was passiert, wenn man es doch nicht zur Messe schafft:


    Pickup at SPIEL: You can pick up your pre-order at any time until Sunday at noon! Any pre-orders not picked up by Sunday at noon will be released for other attendees to purchase.

    If you cannot pick up your pre-order during the convention (until Sunday at noon), your pre-order will be cancelled and 80% refunded. Thank you for your understanding.