Beiträge von K1282 im Thema „Hellbringer - Kickstarter“

    Ja, hau dein Video raus mit dem feedback damit er schonmal 2nd edition planen kann 😁. LoD interessiert keinen ^^

    Update vom Designer für alle, die es interessiert aus dem discord:

    Hi @everyone !

    Lot of new folks here, so I'll just reintroduce myself. I'm Maxime Gauthier, the game designer of Hellbringer. (And yes, I'm the one and only dude working on this game!)

    Just a quick update to tell everyone interested in acquiring the game that I shall receive the end of production around **October 6th** at my home in Canada.


    I will have around **250 games available in English and 250 in French** and will be able to **ship worldwide**.


    For US and Canada, price are going to be acceptable since it's in the same continent. But for Europe, I fear the pricing will be really high. I will see if I can find anyone or anything to help drop the pricing. (For your information, last time I checked it was around 125$ CAD, and there might be customs according to the country.)

    I don't mind to ship worldwide if you wish to buy the game. I am considering to use a platform like eBay to lower the shipping cost.


    I am still searching for a distributor in Canada, Europe and US. I am fully open to any suggestions. (My contact just told me they only do Canada and Hachette US. I do have a contact with Philibert in France, but I can't confirm if they sell all around Europe.)

    **WHAT'S NEXT?**

    Right now, there is no second Kickstarter planed. I am currently considering working on a new expansion and do a 2nd print, but this will be a lot of work and fund. (I estimated yesterday around 80 to 100 new images/cards) and I wish to finish the distribution of the game and sell/distribute all copies before I do this.

    I wish to have more feedback on the game, and get some kind of reckoning from the community so it'll be easier in the future to do a new Kickstarter and get more backers.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the <#1048681762261307502> , I'll try to answer you as soon as I can.

    Anyway, I'll do another update as soon as it develops to something...

    Thank you for your interest and kind support!


    auf Basis von Feedback hat der Designer das Regelheft angepasst und lässt es gerade in seinem discord von seiner Community reviewen. Wesentliche Änderungen:

    • Background is darkness reduced.
    • Page 3 - Content now shows correctly the Showdown Cards + Victory text changed
    • Page 4 - Added icons and slightly changed text for Point 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
    • Page 5 - Complete revamp of the page to show more information, what an actual Game Setup looks like and what
    • Page 7 - Information about icons modified, added to see page 5 for example of setup.
    • Page 8 - Modified text of Instant Icon.
    • Page 15 - Added a note for Combat and Showdown cards and all Common Cards.
    • Page 16 - Added a note for all Common Cards + Added a TIP for Learning a Skill + underlined that an attack of a companion can be combined.
    • Page 17 - Added a note to Any Time.
    • Page 20 - Added that the attacks can be combined altogether or one by one.
    • Page 21 - Removed Moose Icon from Elimination of an enemy.
    • Page 22 - Added a note to see page 26 if in COOP.
    • Page 23 - Added Moose icon and info.

    Die finale Version plant er in BGG in der Files Section bereitzustellen

    Hab das glück das Spiel doch noch bekommen zu haben. Ein Backer in Frankreich wollte lieber die französische Version und der hat mir eben die Englische Version zugeschickt. Der Designer schickt ihm dann die französische Version. Ziemlich smarter Ansatz - spart er sich Rückversandkosten und kann das Game noch an einen neuen Backer (mich) weiterverkaufen :) . Und: super sympathischer Designer und wünsche mir, dass es gut ankommt, das Game.

    Bin gespannt, was das Game bieten wird.