Beiträge von Kuro-Okami im Thema „East India Companies (Huch)“

    Also ich finde die Optik sehr ansprechend. Hat jemand genauere Infos bezüglich der verschiedenen Mechaniken und wann es rauskommen soll ?

    Zu den Mechaniken äußerte sich der Designer auf BGG folgendermaßen:


    18xx was one of my inspiration for creating East India Companies. Nevertheless its trading mecanisms are totally different and its share market is simplier. In EIC you can acquire shares from others players companies but you won’t be allowed to take control of them. I guess you could say it is a mid-to-heavy economic Eurogame with a flavor of 18xx. The game is actualy in its final stage of editorial developpement and more informations about its design and mecanism will be release soon.
    Best regards