Beiträge von turbo im Thema „Sammelbestellung: Green Hell - Board Game Deutsche KS Version“

    Ich zitiere mal aus dem KS was zu den "Machern"

    "Galaktus Games

    Białystok, PolandGalaktus PR is one of the largest Polish communication agencies specialising in PR and marketing services for clients in the hi-tech and hardware industries as well as producers, publishers and distributors of video games – from indie to AAA segment or within esports. But the time has come for Galaktus to expand even further and open a new branch – Galaktus Games – the studio which will be focused on board games based on popular gaming franchises and also creating its own original IPs."

    Deren erstes Projekt und dann wieder 3-stellig....Wahnsinn....

    Was ich damit ausdrücken möchte....ich habe kein Interesse.... X/