Beiträge von Tommesbx im Thema „On Mars - Alien Invasion (Kickstarter ab 15. Juli)“

    ytsemike Kurz und knapp - ja, aber... Die Add-Ons sind wohl nur in limitierter Anzahl pro Region verfügbar.

    Etwas mehr Text - aus der 1$ Pledge Beschreibung: " This pledge level allows you to follow the campaign until you are ready; and grants access to the post-campaign pledge manager."

    Aus der FAQ: "Yes, we will be offering all of Vital Lacerda’s other games as add-ons in the Pledge Manager in regions we have stock. While we currently have stock of all of these games in most regions, that stock may be limited and the situation may change over time. We will do the best we can to make sure if you pledge for an Add-On that we wil be able to fulfill that pledge for you. These will be the full Kickstarter edition of these games which means they will include the upgrade packs and any Kickstarter stretch goal content for the game."