Beiträge von HRune im Thema „Virtuelle "Online-SPIEL-2020" denkbar?“

    Also, GAMA hat mitgeteilt, dass sie die Origins heuer nicht nur verschieben, sondern such zum ursprünglichen Termin eine virtuelle Messe stattfinden lassen:


    With the postponement, GAMA also announced that they would be hosting an online gaming convention during the original show weekend, June 19-21, 2020. Origins Online 2020 will be a fully virtual convention for tabletop gaming fans to enjoy from their devices and will feature an Exhibit Hall where attendees can demo and buy games and merchandise. In addition, the virtual convention will offer streaming workshops and educational seminars with guest authors, artists and game designers, plus hundreds of games online that attendees can sign up to participate in.

    Pressemitteilung Origins