Beiträge von Yakosh-Dej im Thema „Terminator Genisys: Aufstieg des Widerstands“

    Das Spiel hat gerade mal 44 Votes auf BGG, so sehr ich die Wertungen da mag, aber das sagt meiner Meinung nach nichts aus.

    Ja, seltsam wirkt auch das verwendete Zitat eines Users, der auf BGG das Spiel bewertet hat ... nur der rote Teil wird auf Spieleschmiede wiedergeben, denn Rest hat man (offenbar bewusst ?) weggelassen ... (hier im englischen Original ohne Änderungen von BGG kopiert):

    "Well they come and go miniature games of various ilks over the years ...but this one is one of the best I have played in terms of game play in 30 yrs’s fast, innovative dice allocation ...awesome IP ...

    However,I know you can’t rate components and customer service on this but I so feel Let down by awful customer service and cheap nasty components ...warping card board - warped linen cards - and after 30 yrs of gaming I am used to a few products being like this ...several remedial fixes were needed ...

    The cheap card board used had not been dried properly before / after printing and this is often a problem with the cheaper end of Chinese production as in this case ... Missed printed counters ...not a big deal but just adds more to the negative effect ... Nasty cheap plastic used on miniatures ...almost bottom of the line plastic ghastly stuff ...

    Customer service sucks - when I asked for a replacement part for a missing character mini ( I had 2 x T-1000 instead and only 3 heroes ) I was made to jump through loops and to feel like I was lying about the missing character etc etc ...never dealt with such bad customer service ...I live in France so that says something !

    However, with that aside - the game fortunately is it’s saving grace and essentially that’s what it is about plays well, clever and the dice allocation system leads to some good choices given the tactical situation ...I have enjoyed playing this game very much ...solo works well due to a good AI for Terminators...purchased and received standalone expansion and it was the icing on the cake ...

    The scenarios of base game are no walk in the park and they can be ramped up / down as suits ..."