Beiträge von yzemaze im Thema „Alien - The Board Game / Nostromo: Alles nur geklaut?“

    Bei youtube wurden gestern Interviews auf Französisch mit François Bachelart und Wonderdice hochgeladen. Ein paar Eindrücke aus dem Thread bei BGG:

    Basically, they were trapped between their partners: the author, their distributor, and the Alien licence manager. They had to give an answer to all of them, but needed the answers from others to do so, and finally time was against them, so they developed "a new game" but were influenced by the prototype that started all of this. And money seems to be a huge problem in that story too.

    In my opinion, they were totally disorganised and did things in the wrong order, and communication is clearly not their thing. So I guess they couldn't just tell their partners they were waiting for others' decisions.

    […] Sorry if my summary looks partial, but they just look so far from any professional publisher I've seen... it's sad to say, but in this video they look more stupid than really evil. But that does not change the fact that they don't recognize the author's rights on the game.

    The author wrote today that they offered him a crap deal in exchange of his public consent about the game they're trying to sell. He's not willing to take it. Wait & see...

    Der ursprüngliche Text des Autors zu dem Fall findet sich bei TricTrac (FR). Thomas Lajeunesse hat eine (EN) Übersetzung bei BGG veröffentlicht.

    Wonder Dice wäre ja auch mit dem Klammerbeutel gepudert, wenn sie in den Jahren seit Vorstellung des Prototyps durch François Bachelart das Spiel nicht weiterentwickelt hätten … Es geht darum, dass das Spiel (großteils?) auf den Ideen Bachelarts basieren soll und seine Leistung in keinster Weise gewürdigt wird.

    Bruno schreibt i. ü. nicht als Privatperson, sondern als Vertreter der SAJ. Also werden sich mit dem Fall sicher noch ein paar andere Leute befasst und sicher länger überlegt haben, ob und wie man an die Öffentlichkeit damit gehen sollte bzw. kann. Insofern fällt es mir – trotz ausgeprägtem Bullshitsensor – leicht, den Aussagen der SAJ Glauben zu schenken. Sie setzen ihre eigene Glaubwürdigkeit sicher nicht leichtfertig auf’s Spiel.

    Bruno Faidutti schrieb bei BGG als Vertreter der französischen Autorenvereinigung Société des Auteurs de Jeux (SAJ):

    […] A game publisher, Wonder Dice, is launching a preorder campaign for the game a young designer, François Bachelart, has shown them a few years ago. The publisher even proposed him a contract then, but they failed to find an agreement and it wasn’t signed. From what we know at the moment, it looks like the publisher simply « stole" the game from its designer, developing and publishing it without his agreement, without his name and of course without royalties.


    We want to make clear that this sad story is only an exception. Relations between game designers and publishers are usually trustful. As a matter of fact, Edge, a major French distributor, has declined to sell the game. All the gamers and game designers who have heard of this story are already spreading the word about Wonderdice obvious dishonesty, and are of course restraining from ordering the game. The boardgames world reacts in the best possible way, and it’s not a surprise for us.

    Wer sich anhand der Anleitungen (FR) selbst ein Bild machen mag, findet Links bei BGG.

    Es folgte ein Shitstorm und heute eine Stellungnahme des Chefs von Wonder Dice:

    First of all, I apologize for our response delay, we preferred to have a better overview before making a more official statement.

    We are very saddened by the situation and quite stunned by what is happening around the Nostromo project. We sincerely seek to do the right thing in this situation so we contacted François Bachelart at the beginning of this campaign, to clarify things and see what can be done together.

    In view of a situation beyond our control that we had to manage since the day before yesterday, we have not yet had the opportunity to have a discussion with François and we think it is important to address the subject calmly with him.

    It is obvious that we are perfectly against plagiarism, especially since the game environment is a medium that we love and respect. Game designers do a great job and it is important to us that it is valued and paid for.

    We will keep you informed of the next steps.

    Alles klar …