Beiträge von Hotbutton im Thema „ Living Planet“

    Wieso, so wie ich das verstehe zählt zur Überprüfung das Regelheft + Update 77, nicht die Kickstarter Seite.

    Also sollten z.B. die 5 Arboria Karten passen.

    Das doppellagige Board für Arboria liegt in der Grundspielpackung bei.

    Ressourcen laut Anleitung 8 Stück sollte auch passen.

    Kartenanzahl ist auch in der Anleitung anders als auf der Kickstarter Seite, könnte also passen.

    Ich würde die Komponenten anhand der Anleitung in Kombination mit Update 77 nochmal überprüfen, dann bist du auf der sicheren Seite ob alles da ist. Die Kickstarter-Seite würde ich da außen vor lassen, da z.B. im Update 77 ja steht, dass die turn tracker komplett weggefallen sind (stattdessen SAGS-Modus). War halt ein Kickstarter, der noch nicht von Anfang an fertig entwickelt und durchgeplant war, daher glaube ich gibt es viele Änderungen an Komponentenanzahl etc.

    Ich kann leider gerade bei mir nicht nachsehen, aber vielleicht später oder morgen. Bei mir hat aber auf jeden Fall Anleitung + Update 77 gepasst gehabt.

    Ein paar der Fragen wurden in Update 77 beantwortet:

    Deluxe Contents

    We haven’t provided and exhaustive list of the deluxe box contents, as the components’ list in the rulebook is based on the retail edition of the game. Some editorial tweakings have also been done since the campaign was ran by the lumberjacks. Here is what you can expect in the box, and that differs from the retail version :

    Core Game
     SAGS : 2 booklets (FR/EN) including the campaign mode and solo missions, 4 sheets for scenario generation, and 10 golden round tokens for building your scenario.

     Double Layered tracks for core game.

     Double Layered track for Arboria. It’s in there so pledgers of the Collector edition will still get a double layer track even if they buy the retail version later.

     Metallic dice (AND regular wooden dice).

     Core blackboard and hot stamp credit tokens (already punched out).

    18 punched out buildings and 40 more still on punchboard.

    A few tiles also punched out.

    The scientists and motorized scientists are all different. We know it is very subtle for the scientists on foot, but we wanted to honor the campaign's promise even if we couldn’t produce widely different models. This has been upgraded for all pledges (including retail).

    The resources got upgraded shapes (instead of being cubes). This has been upgraded for all pledges (including retail).

    The cards are blackcore. This has been upgraded for all pledges (including retail).

    This is where you’ll find the score pad

    The 4 map tiles, 4 technical units, 4 spatioports and 3 Recycling stations have been integrated to the expansion.

    The player’s box (with the four characters on it) is meant to be empty, so you can store every player’s components for a quick set up.

    Arboria and Aquarius are either empty (if you pledged the Collector version) or full of content, listed in the rulebook. There is also a track for wood in the Arboria expansion (you might have it twice then, but this was done for production reasons).

    We did not produce the 24 turns track, as Chris’ idea didn’t work out in the end ; instead, he came up with the SAGS amazing idea, a much better deal :)

    Why are some components punched out ? We had to, in order to make everything fit in the original box, and replace some components for their Deluxe version.

    Besides fulfillment informations, in the next update we’ll provide a picture to show you how we store out the components inside the box. In the meantime, we wish you all happy holidays, talk to you next year !