Beiträge von Chordcommander im Thema „Aktuelle Liefergeschwindigkeit der Spiele-Offensive“

    aus einer Email von Isaac:

    So some of you are receiving one dial in the mail instead of four dials. There are two very important things about this I would like to stress.

    • 1. Do not panic. We are aware of the issue. Happyshops knows who they sent out only one dial to, and we are in the process of shipping out the other three dials. We are fully taking care of the issue. The dials will be a few days late, but you will get them. You don't need to message me, you don't need to message Happyshops. Just hold on and your dials will come to you.
    • 2. This is not Happyshop's fault. I've seen some chatter disparaging them, and so I just want to clarify that this was my fault, and I am sorry. Happyshops is doing a great job. They did exactly what I told them to do, I just told them to do the wrong thing.