Beiträge von Part-Time-Game-Geek im Thema „ Ravage“

    Bin mal über die Updates des ersten Kickstarters gegangen:

    Unfortunately, I am going to be cancelling the Kickstarter for Ravage. I am aware from feedback and comments that some things may not be quite what backers are after and I really want to address these and ensure backers are getting as much as possible for their pledges, so I am going away to make some changes based on what I have learnt over the last couple of weeks and I am planning to relaunch Ravage within the next two months. This time with a few completed reviews on the page at launch, some pledge and stretch goal adjustments and clearer shipping information.

    Ohne jetzt die einzelnen Threads durchgegangen zu sein - das liest sich irgendwie in der Art von "ok, ich fixe meine tolle Idee wo immer ihr meint!" ...

    Leider steigert das jetzt nicht unbedingt mein Vertrauen - ich beobachte mal aus der Distanz