Geschichte und Spiele (Clio’s Board Games: The Cold War in Board Games)

  • In Sachen Blick über den Tellerrand fiel mir gerade Clio's Board Games ein. Dort gibt es zwar (noch?) keine reinen Rezensionen, aber die Verknüpfung von Spielen und Geschichte gelingt oft außerordentlich – allerdings meist aus der anderen Richtung:

    This blog deals with history, board games and history in board games. Besides articles about the representation of specific events or broader concepts of history in board games you will find small essays on history, strategy tips for games, thoughts on game design and the occasional event-related (fairs, conventions) post. Do not expect too many game reviews (although I might put up one every once in a while). While the blog does not limit itself to specific periods of history, my research as a scholar has been focussed on the Cold War, so this era will come up more often than others.

    Das wahrscheinlich herausragendste Beispiel ist The Cold War in Board Games. Das ist allerdings auch kein Wunder, hat der Autor doch seine M.A. thesis zu dem Thema geschrieben ;)

    Welche Rezensionen, Seiten, Blogs, Artikel, Berichte etc. fallen euch ein, die auf ihre eigene Weise Geschichte und Spiele verknüpfen?

    PS: Session Reports nicht zu vergessen, da hätte ich gleich zwei:

    A Twilight Struggle - Alternate History of the Cold War

    "We Dare Not Tempt Them With Weakness" - An Alternate History and Play by Play

    »Remember to look up at the stars …

    … and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.«
    Stephen Hawking

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von yzemaze (13. November 2018 um 13:45)