Beiträge von Miyagi im Thema „ - Gloomhaven“

    Ob das 2017 noch was wird mit der Auslieferung wage ich mal zu bezweifeln

    Dazu steht im Newsletter zumindest folgender Plan:
    "I am optimistic that we shouldbe able to launch the Kickstarter in early April, aiming for April 6 specifically (4 weeks!). We will ideallybegin proofing the Gloomhaven second printing files next week, with the goal of actuallystarting the print run in the middle of the Kickstarter. This wouldallow us to have it ready for release by Gen Con in mid-August. We'll need some more time to finish up everything with Founders, though, so I expect that to be out in more of a September/Octobertime frame, ideally in time for Spiel."