Beiträge von evil_puck im Thema „JOYRIDE: Survival of the Fastest“

    Der Publisher hat sich zu dem Thema inzwischen auch gemeldet:

    Since this situation came to light last week, we have investigated the claims made. Our Publishing Director has been in direct email contact with Corné since Friday 29th November.

    While there are some similar mechanics, Joyride is a different game to Powerboats with many new and unique rules which make the gaming experiences very different. Saying Rebellion Unplugged or any individual intentionally copied the Powerboats system is false. Joyride was developed over several years with many games informing the design. We do acknowledge Powerboats as one influence among many, but not in any way to the extent suggested.

    In the email on November 29th we sent to Corné, we made the above clear and told him that we will be including an acknowledgements page in the rulebook for Joyride which will detail all of the influences behind the game. It will include the games that inspired Joyride, whether mechanically or in setting, theme or gameplay, including Powerboats. This page will be included in future reprints and we will update the digital edition of the rules.

    Rebellion apologized several times for the lack of communication Corné received in 2019. Corné should have been told in writing at the time that we didn’t want to pursue reissuing his game. Members of the boardgame media have also reached out to us and we have said the same as here.

    We recognize the concerns of the community as we at Rebellion Unplugged are all gamers ourselves and members of this community. Since this thread began our customers, reviewers and distribution partners have been contacted, and members of our team have been subject to online harassment. Rebellion will not tolerate harassment in any form. Any and all necessary and relevant steps will be taken in terms of legal considerations.

    Ich kenne beide Spiele und die Bewegungsregeln sind nicht gleich... Überschneidungen des Spiels sind vielleicht 15%

    Der Ersteller ist der gekränkte Entwickler, der kein Reprint bekommen hat. Nicht 100% sauber aber kein größerer Skandal als Thunderstone mach Dominion.

    Das Spiel klingt interessant, aber die Spielmechanik ist wohl komplett abgekupfert, ohne dass der Autor des Originals gewürdigt wird:…erships-joyride

    Les den ganzen threat. Grundmechanik ist ähnlich (nicht Mal gleich). Kenne beide Spiele und ist wie wenn du sagst jedes Deckbuilder nach Dominion ist abgekupfert...der Autor ist prinzipiell nur pissed weil ein Reprint seines Spiel vor Jahren im Gespräch war.

    Joyride ist 1000 Level über Powerboats..