Beiträge von Synergic Games im Thema „Harakiri: Blades of Honor“

    Hi all, when the shipments start we want to send copies to German channels to make us review, apart from the BrettMan - Brettspiele channel with which we already collaborate, which channels do you recommend us to send them a copy of the game?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hatte ursprünglich nur den Samurai- Pledge mit bling-bling gewählt. Hadere aber noch mit der Erweiterung mit den chinesischen Göttern. Die Solo-Erweiterung macht bezogen auf die Story ja insofern Sinn, dass es wohl die Vorgeschichte zum Hauptspiel wiedergeben soll. Wäre dann für mich persönlich das perfekte Tutorial. Man kann die verinnerlichten Spielmechaniken dann wunderbar an seine Spielgruppe weitergeben und spoilert sich selbst nicht auf die Hauptstory.

    Wrath of the Gods passte für mich da irgendwie nie so richtig rein. Nach pledge-and-forget habe ich die Kampagne nicht wirklich mehr verfolgt. Ist da im Verlauf nochmal wieder irgendeine Info durchgesickert, ob da nicht doch eine sinnvolle Verbindung zum Basisspiel besteht, außer man benutzt dasselbe Spielmaterial und man bekommt bei den One-shots eine größere Auswahl?

    Here is a video we made of Wrath of The Gods:


    Hello humankapital,

    We are working very hard to make that schedule, our intention is to have the game delivered by the end of the year.

    Greetings and thanks for your support.

    Hi to you all!

    We would like to give you a little update on the last info on our project.

    First thing is that we will open the shipping payment on our pledge manager for Europe sooner than we announced, most probably by the third week of May. And not only that, but also with fees almost identical to the ones we announced during our crowdfunding campaign.

    As an example, for the shipment of a Kami pledge to Germany, final cost will be of 38,18€ as compared to the estimation of 35€ we gave (no VAT included).

    Secondly, we are receiving feedback and reviews from the prototypes we sent to several content creators. We would like to point out Paul Grogan’s review, as included in his monthly vlog.

    We will leave you the link just below, but we are really happy that he considered that Harakiri:Blades of honor is a better game than Oathsworn, which is easily considered one of the best adventure ameritrash games from the last years.

    Honor to you all!

    Según Synergic Games, el envío se pospondrá de mayo a octubre.


    Esa fue la actualización de diciembre, ¿verdad? ¿O hay algo nuevo?


    We have made a new update in January. We are also communicating by mail with all the supporters and backers of the project who joined after Kickstarter. This is the January update:


    La pregunta es, si empeora, es decir, en Kickstarter, si habrá costos adicionales. Lo que se paga hoy en el gestor de prendas no será suficiente para pasado mañana. Y cuanto más se infla con material una campaña de este tipo, más peligrosa se vuelve.

    Hi there you all!! Just droped by to inform you that we have settled quoting for production (both game and add-ons) with Dust Games by contract, so, inflation won't affect those.

    Last but not least, just in case someone missed those from the last update :)

    Metal Coins

    Miniature Wash


    Hi Everyone!

    Synergic Games Team here, a pleasure to meet you all.

    First of all, sorry for not writing in german, we guess we could just throw some translated text here, but we rather preffer to see what we posted, just in case :)

    We just found out about this forum and we would like to give some extra responses on topics you mentioned here and offer our help if you have any other doubt.

    Relating gameplay, we have seen that some of you were a little reticent of history progression, cause it was based on cards. We want to clarify that the story is inside both the campaign and the personal story booklets. Story is not card driven.

    You do start and end missions based on cards, but conclusions and long text are written on the books themselves.

    Same for exploration cards during Exploration Phase, those give some extra ambience based on the location and enemies, but the story progression is via the books.

    I finished both games myself, and even if it's an oversimplification, we would say that our game has more options during your turn about things that can be done, but it has a much simplified movement/interaction system.

    Harakiri does not have Break attacks, and also allows diagonal movement (vs Middara) and does not have either an area control based system (S&S). We decided to focus all decisions and strategy on the actual actions you can do rather than how to get to a place to do them (doing my best here trying to explain it, hope it helps).

    Also, character progression we would say it's more limited/straightforward than Middara but offers more options than S&S.

    In the end, being compared to those well-known games is an honor for us.

    Well, if you have more questions, we'll just drop by from time to time.
