Beiträge von schattelux im Thema „Herr der Ringe LCG welche Erweiterung kaufen?“

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    aus: FFG

    The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is Fantasy Flight Games’ longest-running LCG by a wide margin. This game has been around for ten years now, and the size of its loyal fanbase is a testament to how great of a game it is. To that end, we want to introduce this fantastic card game to even more people, and so we designed the Revised Core Set.

    This new version of the game’s core set comes packed with enough cards and components to support up to 4 players right out of the gate. There is also some new content in this box—specifically, some new campaign cards, boons, and burdens that have not existed in the game before. But don’t worry, if you already own a core set, you will be able to print off these new cards from our website for free. We’re aiming for an early 2022 release for the Revised Core Set, so stay tuned!

    We also plan to rerelease some (but not all) of the game’s cycles in the same fashion as we are for Arkham Horror LCG, with all player cards in a Player Expansion and all other cards in a Campaign Expansion. This is all to help new players get into this fantastic game as easily as possible. Look forward to more information on this initiative in the coming months!

    Mit dem neuen Core Set werde ich auch endlich 3 Unexpected Courage haben😄.

    Bin gespannt welche Zyklen sie neu Auflegen a la Arkham mit den 2 Boxen.