Beiträge von yzemaze im Thema „[2018] Keyforge“

    This looks a lot like Ringteki and Throneteki... But where's the source code?

    Keyteki (the codebase which runs this website) was forked from the Ringteki code, and I owe a huge debt to all the people who contributed to it.

    However, unlike Throneteki and Ringteki, Keyteki is not Open Source. The reason for this is that it seems very likely that FFG will produce their own Keyforge digital implementation in the future, and I have no intention to compete with an official platform, or to support anyone else doing that

    For this reason, I've decided not to make the source code publically available. If at any point FFG decides they want this website removed, they just need to ask.


    Additional Notes

    The Keyforge Unique Deck Game, the artwork and many other things are all copyright Fantasy Flight Games and I make no claims of ownership or otherwise of any of the artwork or trademarks. This site exists for passionate fans to play a game they enjoy and augment, rather than replace, the in person LCG. FFG does not endorse, support, and is not involved with, this site in any way.