[2021] Bardsung

  • Er ist doch selber dabei😆

    Hör auf! Das sind doch fakenews!!

    Das Ganze riecht so gar nicht nach Becki ^^

    Beweise wurden vorgelegt.

    Person und aware verifiziert.

    Fake-Kauf unwahrscheinlich

    Stornomöglichkeit nicht auszuschließen

    Auch ein Becki verbackt sich malđŸ€“

    - In Progress -

    Lieblingsorte fĂŒr den nĂ€chsten Urlaub:

    Arkham, Innsmouth, Newberryport und Dunwich

    Lieblingsessen: Calamares fritti (eigentlich Lasagne)

    Nichts ist tot, was ewig stinkt. Bis Seife den Geruch bezwingt.

  • Heisst dann ab jetzt Ver-Becky? :/

    Incoming (13 Spiele): Chronicles of Drunagor / Street Masters / Stormsunder / Tidal Blades 2 / Robomon / Nanolyth / Elder Scrolls / Stonesaga / The Last Spell / Dragon Eclipse / Rove / USS Freedom / Green Hell

  • Die Spinnen sehen ein wenig detailarm und langweilig aus, ansonsten gefallen mir die Minis.

    Ausstehende Crowdfunding-Projekte:

    Arydia, Dante: Inferno, HEL - The Last Saga, Into The Godsgrave, Kingdoms Forlorn, Nanolith, RoboMon, Sword & Sorcery Abyssal Legends, The Elder Scrolls (CTG), Unlikely Heroes, Vampire: Milan Uprising (Teburu), Witchbound

  • Und jetzt schaut euch mal die Ähnlichkeit von Ihm und Vorn bei meinem Chronicles of Drunagor Avatar an...

    Ausstehende Crowdfunding-Projekte:

    Arydia, Dante: Inferno, HEL - The Last Saga, Into The Godsgrave, Kingdoms Forlorn, Nanolith, RoboMon, Sword & Sorcery Abyssal Legends, The Elder Scrolls (CTG), Unlikely Heroes, Vampire: Milan Uprising (Teburu), Witchbound

  • Es gibt ein neues Update. Die Designanpassungen der Karten gefallen mir leider gar nicht 😒

    Bardsung by Steamforged Games Ltd » Second Peek at Production: Sneak Previews, Pre-Production & Winds of Change... — Kickstarter

    +1. Gefallen mir auch nicht.

    KS Pending: Stormsunder, Dinosaur 1944, RtoPA, USS Freedom, Arydia, EUS: Flashpoint, Zerywia Quest, Malhya, Phantom: Epoch, Warcrow Adventures, TT Addons, DaDu Wave 2 :D , Lost Tomb 10th

    Die Nische

  • Wie sahen die Karten denn vorher aus? Ich wĂŒnsch mir ja bei solchen Anpassungen immer ein vorher/nachher. So kann ich es ĂŒberhaupt nicht einordnen.

    Ausstehende Crowdfunding-Projekte:

    Arydia, Dante: Inferno, HEL - The Last Saga, Into The Godsgrave, Kingdoms Forlorn, Nanolith, RoboMon, Sword & Sorcery Abyssal Legends, The Elder Scrolls (CTG), Unlikely Heroes, Vampire: Milan Uprising (Teburu), Witchbound

  • Wie sahen die Karten denn vorher aus? Ich wĂŒnsch mir ja bei solchen Anpassungen immer ein vorher/nachher. So kann ich es ĂŒberhaupt nicht einordnen.

    Auf der Website habe ich ein paar alte Artworks gefunden:


    Aus dem KS-Trailer habe ich mal eine Heldenkarte kopiert:

    Sieht so aus, als wÀre die neue vom Layout her gleich nur anders eingefÀrbt:

    Auch die Attacks/Weapons waren damals wohl eher Vorschau:

    Verglichen mit jetzt:

    Zu den Farben hat ein SFG-Mensch in die Kommentare geschrieben:


    We appreciate the feedback, I'll address a few of the points raised.
    The brighter colouring on the cards will appear less vibrant on print than it does on these files. Part of the reason is because we're all viewing them on backlit screens, which tend to increase the vibrancy quite a bit - print tends to darken colours by anywhere up to 15-20%. When we get printed assets through, one of our control processes will be for the team to sit down and assess whether the colours are too bright or too dark, and we'll adjust from there.

    Card borders will also be thinner on the physical cards - one of the things our team has to allow for is what's called bleed around the edges, which is some of what you see here.

    The darker backgrounds on the profile/equipment cards are to differentiate them from the ability cards, which have retained the parchment background (albeit with a slight hue to match the corresponding ability path). Ability cards make up the majority of a hero's dashboard, allowing us to better reinforce and differentiate heroes than having a standard template back.

    It’s also worth mentioning that the overall aesthetic is actually much closer to what was shown during the campaign than it might appear when viewing a small number of cards in isolation. As we are able to, we'll be showing more print elements in future updates.

    Ich denke sie meinen hier die Player Boards (Charaktertafeln).

    Steht das irgendwo? WÀre ja schön wenn, aber im Update steht ja nur:


    Behind-the-scenes, we’ve also:

    Increased the board size by 50%
    Increased the size of the core Adventure book by 80% (from 100 to 180 pages)


    WĂŒrde ich auch erst mal wie FalcoBaa als Spielbrett lesen. đŸ€”

  • Anhand der Karten..

    Vielleicht haben sie sich was am Descent 3 Artwork angeschaut. SchĂŒttel..

    Ja vor allem war ja, die Tiles betreffend, hĂ€ufiger die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Tiles kritisiert worden. Vielleicht haben sie das entsprechend angepasst.

    - In Progress -

    Lieblingsorte fĂŒr den nĂ€chsten Urlaub:

    Arkham, Innsmouth, Newberryport und Dunwich

    Lieblingsessen: Calamares fritti (eigentlich Lasagne)

    Nichts ist tot, was ewig stinkt. Bis Seife den Geruch bezwingt.

  • Am 3. September gab's ein (schriftliches) Q&A auf Facebook. Ich hab hier mal die Fragen und Antworten rausgefischt, wobei ich mir erlaubt habe einige doppelte und meiner Meinung nach eher unwichtige auszulassen (z. B. nach Spanisch-Übersetzungen o. Ă€.).

    tl;dr Auslieferung im Mai '22 ist weiterhin aktuell. 😋

    Will there be a guide or template for implementing characters and monsters, to expand upon the original content of Bardsung, in the form of utilizing Epic Encounters boxes and the like?

    Glad this question came up! I'm personally very excited to put together the blog post(s) outlining exactly this. We'll be posting them much closer to the time when when Bardsung starts getting in backer's hands.

    Still on track for a May 2022 delivery?

    Hey Noah, we are indeed!

    Is there any change to the demo version especially a limit to miniatures on a single space, this is my only reservation. right now?

    Strictly, the answer is no. However, this is mechanic that we kept a keen eye on throughout testing. Basically, it boils down to if the issue is best addressed by design or development. The design solution would be to slap a minis limit on each zone and be done with it. The development solution is to layer lots of little rules, all of which disincentivises players from grouping up and incentivises players spreading out. After our rounds of testing, we're happy to not include a mini limit on zones, as there are rarely enough minis in a single zone such that is causes an issue.

    Will the box have enough room for the cards to be sleeved?

    I think this has been answered a few times already, the answer should be yes IIRC

    Will we get templates to create our own heroes/enemies or will we have to do it ourselves?

    Hey Marcin. Although each hero has a specific path, during the campaign you can build them entirely how you'd like, with plenty of flexibility to change their role in the party. This allows every player's interpretation of the character to be dramatically different.

    If you're referring to a builder that allows you to build a completely new character within the game, I'm afraid not, although the card creator that we're working on should provide you with this functionality.

    Do the additional heroes have their own decks? Or do they use the 5 base heroes cards?

    Hey StÄle, the additional heroes each belong to their own path, and will have their own ability cards.
    As a side note, because a hero can take an ability card from any other path, this dramatically increases the variance of abilities that the five heroes in the core game...

    I know Bardsung has a non-linear story but how will our choices affect the narrative of the game? Will it be like Fallout 4, where your choices will give you a very different storyline, or will it be like Mass Effect, where your choices don't really matter and the storyline stays roughly the same?

    The former. In Bardsung, the choices you make can take the party down entirely different story (and actual) path, and can lead to one of four different endings.

    Probably missed this somewhere but what scale are the mini's? Also interested to understand if we will be able to bring in custom characters etc and how that would work.

    Hey Kenny, Bardsung models are in the same scale as our Epic Encounters range, which puts them somewhere in the 32-35mm range (depending on whether you measure to eye line or head height).

    You mentioned a custom card creator and how you would love to see a fan based campaign area.

    Where do you hope to host this and will there be a template like the card generator for mission/campaign designs too?

    Hey Danny, we're still working on the card creator for the moment, but the intention would be to have it available on a separate website; in terms of the mission designs, our primary focus is on enemy and hero cards to begin with.

    What has been the biggest change you've made to the game since the KS campaign?

    Oh, need to give this one some though.

    I'll break this up into to categories.

    The tile art has been entirely redone. Samples of the new art is in one of the Kickstarter updates we posted.

    Mechanically, this is a small change that has a big impact. Heroes can spend Fate the "enhance" attack rolls (and other rolls, but that's a little more conditional). Before rolling, spend fate to add a d4 to the result of the d20. It added another dimension to the Fate economy that proved to be very engaging in our testing.

    I live in Belgium and recently most UK and oversea shipments have huge import taxes on top of VAT. Is there a solution for this?

    Hey Patrick, Bardsung will be shipping friendly to the EU, so you shouldn't need to pay any additional VAT or import taxes.

    But my question is will all heroes be available as a starter option, or do you have to unlock them?
    Im hoping they will all be available from the start

    Canonically, every hero except Forgewarden is available from the beginning of the campaign. And, although you have to bend the narrative in your head to make this fit, we have also included to option to play Forgewarden form the get-go too, for those that would prefer not to wait/are afraid they might miss them.

    Epic Encounters boxes and expansions - Details please?

    Hey Christian, there are no current plans to introduce Epic Encounters enemies into the game as new expansions, although you might see a couple of familiar faces on the Kickstarter Exclusive cards when your pledge arrives...

    -Are the cards art changes definitive? Lot of backers (me included) liked the old ones more.

    -Will we have more gameplays and rules/skills updates soon?

    -How are you going to handle that one character could buy another character skills? If one buys the skill, the others could not? Both share the same skill card?

    -Will the quests have decisions and choices to make them different from one play to other? Could you give some examples?

    -Will finally be some kind of translations or at least you will release the rulebook and quests in PDF to make easy to deal with the translation?

    Hey Galahael, no worries at all - your English is perfect. Thanks for taking the time to drop in your questions.

    The cards we've presented are largely final, although we have since made a couple of minor amendments, after reading the input from backers and adjusting for print files. I'm confident that once our backers see the physical cards alongside one another they'll feel far more in keeping with the original style of the game than isolated images suggest.
    There's only one copy of each ability card - and heroes can't share cards. Therefore, players will need to discuss their upgrade options and work together.

    Encounters and chapters will vary massively. There are several narrative variables introduced by aspect cards which I'll leave for the time being; but a good example would be in the first Chapter, where the players can encounter a locked gate barring their progress into the Ancient Forge and can either choose to either search for the key, or look for another way in - their choice will determine which chapter they move on to, and which areas of the Ancient Forge they explore.

    At present, there are no current plans to produce Bardsung in any language other than English I'm afraid.

    Have the boss battles been reworked? It seemed like the boss was overpowered in the demos. I think the players lost. The boss did have some awesome mechanics though.

    Has Nightfeather been improved? I think Nightfeather needs to have damage output inline with Stoneheart or better. I really like Nightfeather visually, but he was lagging behind in abilities.

    The boss mechanics have not changed since the Kickstarter. However, they have gone through several rounds of testing and number tweaking, to bring the balance in line with where we'd like it to be. That said, heroes can very much still get kicking from our nastier bosses!
    Even more than bosses, our heroes have gone though a lot of testing, in a lot of different hands. We're happy where how they've all came out of that. Safe to say the internal balance has evolved a lot since the Kickstarter demo.

    Will the neoprene mat be folded for delivery [Blockierte Grafik: https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf2/1/16/1f615.png] ?

    Hey Ewen, it will be folded. We're confident that this wont effect the quality of the mat, following shipping neoprene mats this way before.

    How did you balance the difficulty ? From what i remenber from the demos with youtubers, the team was constantly whiped out on the first fight.

    Rigorously, though many hours and many different people. We've put a lot of time and effort into the difficulty balance since the Kickstarter campaign. We're very happy with the challenges Bardsung presents to players, and the tools we've giving heroes to deal with them!

    Is there an item deck or equipment deck ? Do the items have illustration on there card ?

    Hey Ewen, each hero has their own unique equipment deck, that they can upgrade during the game - and they do indeed have illustrations on them, so you can see the progression of your weapons (there are some truly amazing pieces of art in there!)

    There is indeed a treasure deck!

    1. Has a decision been reached regarding the neoprene mat stitching?

    2. What are the new dimensions of the mat, and why was it increased? Were games too short; previous size ended up not creating as dynamic maps as expected; was required for some of the story content?

    3. The few skills were a nice teaser in the last update, but when will we get a chance to see trees/upgrades?

    4. Same question for equipment.

    1. The neoprene mat will not stitched.
    2. the mat will be 838mm x 838mm
    3&4. There are several updates coming up that will deep dive into heroes, their abilities, and their equipment, and explain how they work in greater detail. Keep an eye on your email inbox!

    Since there is so much more content, how do you plan to bind them together? Will it be like a hard/soft (hopefully hard;) cover book glued together or will it be spiral bound?

    Hey Chris, currently all four books are planned to be softback, BUT this is something where our production team will be testing the book once they get to ensure its durable enough to survive gameplay, and may update accordingly.

    Sorry if it's the same old, lame question - but it's always a current question! Where do we stand in terms of production and delivery schedule? Are we on time or have delays already occurred? What is the projected time of delivery?

    We are on schedule for a May delivery!

    About how long is the campaign at this point? How many gameplay sessions on average would it take to get through it?

    A playthrough of the campaign (without the Lost levels or Fables expansion) will always consist of ten chapters, each of which will take somewhere between four - six hours, depending upon the speed at which your group plays.
    That said, there are a lot more than ten chapters in the game, and the decisions you make will dramatically alter the path you take through the game, and the ending you get - so, to see and experience everything, you're probably looking at four playthroughs...

    Are the guest writers putting together just one scenario each? Or are they more like mini campaigns?

    Each guest designer has designed a single standalone adventure (roughly the same size as one of the larger chapters from the main campaign), consisting of several encounters - so, in a conventional sense, they're each like a mini-campaign themselves.

    Will there be sidequests in the dungeons, or are they pretty straightforward?

    Hmm... how to answer this... yes and now. We have several narrative "side quests" that span across several encounters/adventures. We also have different types of encounters, with some different mechanics and objectives.

    I couldn't find the dimensions of the neoprene mat anywhere on the KS page, I asked but no luck. Then I waited too long and missed out. So two questions: what are the mat dimensions, and is there any future chance of buying one?

    Hey Brendon, the mat will be 838mm x 838mm. Unfortunately, there are no plans to reopen the pledge manager at this stage, but if we have excess stock after fulfilling pledges, we'll make them available in the SFG store.

  • Mein Order Status wurde soeben auf "Ready for Shipment" geĂ€ndert.

    Heisst das wirklich, dass das Zeug jetzt demnÀchst seinen Weg zu uns nach Europa findet?

    Incoming (13 Spiele): Chronicles of Drunagor / Street Masters / Stormsunder / Tidal Blades 2 / Robomon / Nanolyth / Elder Scrolls / Stonesaga / The Last Spell / Dragon Eclipse / Rove / USS Freedom / Green Hell

  • Das wird einfach der Lock fĂŒr die Bestellung sein.

    Nicht dass es gleich losgeht.

    - In Progress -

    Lieblingsorte fĂŒr den nĂ€chsten Urlaub:

    Arkham, Innsmouth, Newberryport und Dunwich

    Lieblingsessen: Calamares fritti (eigentlich Lasagne)

    Nichts ist tot, was ewig stinkt. Bis Seife den Geruch bezwingt.

  • Das wird einfach der Lock fĂŒr die Bestellung sein.

    Nicht dass es gleich losgeht.

    Ach so danke, dann beruhige ich mich erst Mal wieder.


    Incoming (13 Spiele): Chronicles of Drunagor / Street Masters / Stormsunder / Tidal Blades 2 / Robomon / Nanolyth / Elder Scrolls / Stonesaga / The Last Spell / Dragon Eclipse / Rove / USS Freedom / Green Hell

  • Ich hab mich schon auf den Hai gefreut.... ;)

    Ich könnte mir vorstellen, sie packen ihn nĂ€chstes Jahr trotzdem noch rein. 😉

    Was habt ihr eigentlich alle mit diesem Haimann? Ist das ne Referenz, die ich nicht kapiere? Ich bin mehr der Halbenten-Typ hab ich neulich festgestellt.

  • Bei Rollplayer Adventures hat man den Hai hype offenbar auch rechtzeitig antizipiert.

  • ja hab ich auch bekommen, ich frag mich was der status denn vorher war? :D

    Edit: Mhh, okay, letzte StatusĂ€nderung war am 14.10.2021 auf "Ready for shipping". Da ist placed und paid ja eher ein RĂŒckschritt? Vielleicht kommt ja noch nen Update dazu. Vielleicht wurde der PM nochmal fĂŒr Adresswechsel geöffnet, who knows.

    Ausstehende Crowdfunding-Projekte:

    Arydia, Dante: Inferno, HEL - The Last Saga, Into The Godsgrave, Kingdoms Forlorn, Nanolith, RoboMon, Sword & Sorcery Abyssal Legends, The Elder Scrolls (CTG), Unlikely Heroes, Vampire: Milan Uprising (Teburu), Witchbound

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von snoggle1981 (6. Januar 2022 um 16:32)

  • ja hab ich auch bekommen, ich frag mich was der status denn vorher war? :D

    Edit: Mhh, okay, letzte StatusĂ€nderung war am 14.10.2021 auf "Ready for shipping". Da ist placed und paid ja eher ein RĂŒckschritt? Vielleicht kommt ja noch nen Update dazu. Vielleicht wurde der PM nochmal fĂŒr Adresswechsel geöffnet, who knows.

    Das hier stand in der Bardsung-Facebook-Gruppe:


    Hallo, damit wird der Status nach dem "Als versandt markiert"-Fehler vom Ende des letzten Jahres wieder auf normal zurĂŒckgesetzt. Das bedeutet, dass ihr jetzt wieder in der Lage seid, eure Adresse manuell zu aktualisieren. NĂ€chste Woche wird es ein Update geben, um alle zu bitten, ihre endgĂŒltigen Adressen einzutragen.


    KS Pending: Classic Quest, Lasting Tales, Earth under Siege, Malhya, Anastyr, Maladum, DANTE: Inferno, Street Masters

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Ron (6. Januar 2022 um 16:42)